与美国小学生一起学英文第3册 第8期:磁铁(在线收听

   Magnet 磁铁

  Magnets are very interesting objects. 磁铁是非常有趣的物体。
  Each has a positive pole and a negative pole. 每个磁铁都有正负极。
  One for each end. 磁铁两端各为一极。
  Similar poles push each other away. 磁铁同极相斥,
  Different poles pull each other closer. 异极相吸。
  A compass is a kind of magnet and it is very useful. 指南针就是一种磁铁,而且非常实用。
  With a compass we can easily find where we are. 利用指南针,我们可以轻易地发现我们的位置。