与美国小学生一起学英文第9册 第26期:米勒(在线收听

   Millet 米勒

  Do you know the famous painting, The Gleaners? 你知道《拾穗者》这幅著名的油画吗?
  Three women pick up grain from a field in that painting. 那幅油画中有三个农妇在麦田里拾穗。
  Do you know who painted the painting? 你知道是谁画的这幅油画吗?
  Jean-Francois Millet did. 是让·弗朗索瓦·米勒画的。
  Millet is one of the most famous French painters. 米勒是法国最著名的画家之一。
  He spent most of his life in the country. 他一生中大部分的时间都在乡村度过。
  He loved to draw farmers and their lives. 他爱画农民和他们的生活。
  At first, his paintings were not famous. 起初,他的油画并不出名。
  As a result, he was very poor. 结果,他一贫如洗。
  But later, people began to love his paintings. 但后来,人们开始爱上了他的画作。
  He became very rich. 因此他变得很富有。
  Many painters including Vincent van Gogh were inspired by his paintings. 包括文森特-梵高在内的很多画家都从他的画作中得到过启发。