与美国小学生一起学英文第10册 第17期:通货膨胀(在线收听

   Inflation 通货膨胀

  Can you explain what inflation is? 你能解释什么是通货膨胀吗?
  Inflation means that the prices of things increase. 通货膨胀意味着物价上涨。
  Inflation sometimes happens because government prints too much money. 有时发生通货膨胀是因为政府印发了太多的钞票。
  Because the value of money decreases, things get expensive. 因为货币贬值,物品变贵了。
  So people need more money to pay for things. 所以人们买东西需要花更多的钱。
  They want to earn more money. 他们想要赚更多的钱。
  So, companies have to pay their employees more. 所以,企业要付给员工更多的钱。
  Here is a good example of inflation. 这有一个通货膨胀的好例子。
  Ten years ago, you could buy an ice cream with ten cents. 10年前,你能用10美分买一个冰淇淋。
  Now you have to pay fifty cents to buy the same ice cream. 现在,你必须用50美分才能买同样的冰淇淋。
  Why? Because of inflation. 为什么会这样?就是因为通货膨胀。