美国小学英语教材2:第9课 早上好(在线收听

   Good Morning 早上好

  Good morning, sky, 天空,早上好,
  Good morning, sun, 太阳,早上好,
  Good morning, little winds that run! 微风,早上好!
  Good morning, birds, 小鸟,早上好,
  Good morning, trees, 大树,早上好,
  And creeping grass, and brownie bees! 匍匐的小草和蜜蜂小精灵,早上好!
  How did you find out it was day? 你怎么知道现在是白天?
  Who told you night had gone away? 谁告诉你夜晚过去了?
  I'm wide awake; 我现在醒了,
  I'm up now, too. 我也要起床了。
  I'll be right out to play with you! 我立刻就出去与你玩耍!