美国小学英语教材2:第18课 苹果树(在线收听

   The Apple Tree 苹果树

  I stood beneath the apple tree. 我站在苹果树下。
  The apples were so good to see, 苹果真好看。
  Very high above my head. 但它们太高了。
  I saw them shining, round and red. 我看到它们闪着光,圆圆的,红红的。
  A robin sang a tiny song, 一只知更鸟唱着小曲,
  And after I had waited long, 我等呀等,很久以后,
  A fairy in the apple tree 苹果树上的小仙女,
  Threw an apple down to me. 给我扔下来一个苹果。