美国小学英语教材3:第5课 小象提比的帽子(1)(在线收听

   Tippy Elephant's Hat 小象提比的帽子

  In the story you have just read, an old rabbit learned a lesson. 在你刚刚读过的那则故事中,年老的兔子学到了一课。
  In this story a baby elephant learned that her very best joke was not funny at all. 而在这则故事中,一只小象知道了自己认为最有趣的玩笑根本毫无趣味。
  Tippy Elephant's Tricks 小象提比的恶作剧
  Tippy was a gray baby elephant who lived in the circus with Mother Elephant. 提比是只灰色的小象,跟她的象妈妈生活在马戏团里。
  "Why, oh why, do they call me Tippy?" asked the baby elephant one day. “为什么?为什么他们叫我提比?”有一天小象问道。
  "Because you tip around so," said her mother. “因为你脊背总是前后一上一下的,”象妈妈说,
  "You put your front feet down so hard that you always tip up behind. “你把前脚压得低,后面便会翘起来。
  And when you go down on your hind feet, you always tip up in front." 把你的后脚压得低,前面便会翘起来。”
  "But I like tipping that way," said Tippy Elephant, jumping around in the straw. “但我喜欢这样。”小象提比一边说,一边在稻草上来回地跳。
  Now there was another thing that Tippy liked to do. 现在,提比又有另外一件喜欢做的事了,
  It was to stamp hard with her right front foot. 那便是用她的右前脚在地上重重地踩下去。
  Splash, splash, it would go as Tippy stepped into the water when her keeper brought her a drink. 哗!哗!当动物饲养员领她去喝水的时候,她就狠狠地踏进水里。
  Smash, smash, it would go as she stamped on a wooden box. 咚!咚!她重重地踩在木箱子上。
  Bang, bang, it would go as she smashed a little boy's balloon. 砰!砰!她将小男孩的气球踩破。