美国小学英语教材4:第25课 多彩的世界(在线收听

   The Wonderful World 多彩的世界

  William B. Rands 威廉·B·兰德
  Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world. 伟大、辽阔、美丽的多彩世界啊,
  With the wonderful water round you curled. 甘甜的水环绕着你,
  And the wonderful grass upon your breast, 美丽的青草在你的胸口摇曳,
  World, you are beautifully dressed. 世界啊,你被装扮得如此美丽。
  The wonderful air is over me, 清新的空气笼罩着我,
  And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree, 清爽的风摇动着大树。
  It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, 它拂过水面,在磨坊边打转,
  And talks to itself on the top of the hills. 还在山顶与自己交谈。
  You friendly Earth, how far do you go 可爱的地球啊,你有多么辽阔的疆域,
  With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that flow, 有着成熟的麦田与流淌的河流,
  With cities and gardens, and cliffs, and isles, 承载着城市、花园、山崖与岛屿,
  And people upon you for thousands of miles? 还有那散落千里的人群?
  Ah! You are so great, and I am so small, 啊!你如此伟大,而我却如此渺小,
  I hardly can think of you, World, at all; 我几乎不能想象你的全貌;
  And yet, when I said my prayers today, 而我今天的祷告
  A whisper within me seemed to say: 却有个内心的声音在喊叫:
  "You are more than the Earth, though you're such a dot; “你比地球伟大,尽管你如此微小;
  You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!" 你可以爱与思考,地球却做不到!”