英国语文第一册 第25期:小猫咪(在线收听

   LESSON 25 LITTLE PUSSY 第二十五课 小猫咪

  I love little pussy, her coat is so warm; 我爱我的小猫咪,她的毛皮暖暖的;
  And if I don't hurt her, she'll do me no harm. 如果我不伤害她,她就不会伤害我.
  So I'll not pull her tail, nor drive her away, 所以我不拽她尾巴,也不赶她离开我.
  But pussy and I very gently will play. 不过猫咪和我会轻轻地一起玩耍.
  She'll sit by my side, and I'll give her some food; 她会坐在我身旁,我会喂他些食物.
  And pussy will love me, because I am good. 猫咪心里很爱我,因为我对她很好.
  Oh! Here is Miss Pussy; she's drinking her milk; 哦!猫小姐在这儿,她在喝牛奶;
  Her coat is as soft and as glossy as silk. 她的皮毛软又软,就像丝绸般光滑.
  She sips the milk up with her little lap-lap; 她用她的小舌头,吸光所有的牛奶;
  Then, wiping her whiskers, lies down for a nap. 然后打理她的胡须,躺下身来睡午觉.
  My kitty is gentle, she loves me right well; 我的猫咪很温顺,她非常地爱我;
  How funny her play is I'm sure I can't tell. 她玩耍起来太有趣,我实在难以形容的上来.
  Now under the sofa, now under the table, 一会儿在沙发下,一会儿在桌子下,
  She runs and plays bo-peep as well as she's able. 她能一边跑,一边跳猫咪舞.
  Oh, dearly I love her! You never did see 哦,天啊,我爱她!你从未见过
  Two happier play-mates than kitty and me. 哪两个玩伴儿比我的猫迷和我更开心的.