中英双语新闻 美国冻结叙利亚官员财产(在线收听

BBC News.

President Trump has said the United Nations Security Council must be prepared to impose tough sanctions on North Korea in response to its missile and nuclear programmes. He said that North Korea was a real threat to the world and a problem to the world.

The U.S. has frozen the American assets of more than 270 Syrian government officials in response to the suspected chemical weapon attack earlier this month. Those targeted are employees of the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Centre, which the U.S. believes produced the gas used in the attack.

Within the past few minutes, Marine Le Pen, one of the two candidates for the French presidency in the runoff poll next month, has said that she's stepping aside as leader of her far-right National Front party to focus in the presidential race. Earlier, the outgoing French President, Francois Hollande, joined the defeated Conservative candidate, Francois Fillon, in urging voters to support Emmanuel Macron in the presidential runoff.

Demonstrations across Venezuela calling for the removal of President Nicolas Maduro have entered a fourth week. More than twenty people have been killed during almost daily protests, which began when the pro-government Supreme Court assume some powers of the opposition-controlled Congress.

Police in both Brazil and Paraguay are investigating a large robbery at a private security company in the Paraguay city of Silad delaste around 50 heavily armed men made off with an unknown amount of money after two hour shoot with security forces in which one officer was killed.

Norwegian scientists have put forward a new theory to explain the inspiration behind the setting of Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream. They believe the sky full of colorful waving lines could be a depiction of a rare cloud formation founded high altitude in polar air.




过去几分钟,即将参加下月角逐的法国总统选举候选人之一玛丽娜·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)宣布辞去极右翼国民阵线主席职位,专心准备总统竞选工作。早些时候,即将离职的法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Francois Hollande)加入被击败的保守派候选人弗朗索瓦·菲永(FrancoisFillon)的行列,敦促选民在总统选举角逐中支持埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)。

委内瑞拉要求总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)下台的示威活动进入第四周。自亲政府的最高法院收回反对派控制的国会的一些权力后,抗议活动几乎每天都会举行,已有20多人遇难。


挪威科学家提出了一个新的理论,用来解释爱德华蒙克(Edvard Munch)著名画作《呐喊》的寓意。他们相信,布满五颜六色的波浪线的天空可以用来描述极地高空一种罕见的云层。
