美国小学英语教材3:第40课 雪人(在线收听

 The Snow Man 雪人

See, here's a man so fond of cold 看,那人喜欢寒冷
He cannot stand the heat, I'm told; 听说,它经不住炎热;
The breezes of the summer day 夏日的微风
Would quickly make him melt away. 会很快将它销化于无形。
He loves the coldest winds that blow, 它喜爱猎猎舞动的寒风,
This pale-faced man who's made of snow. 白雪赋予它白皙的面孔。
He's frozen stiff as he can be; 它只愿与人凝目相望。
That's why he stays with us, you see. 如你所知,这样它才肯留下。
His friends are very, very few; 它的朋友寥寥无几;
He's far too cold for me or you; 它的冰冷不分你我;
And he would be completely lost without his faithful friend, Jack Frost. 在没有严寒真诚相伴的日子里它将决然消逝。
Together they must always be; 它们总要在一起;
They cannot live apart,you see. 它们彼此不分开。
And when old Jack Frost goes away, 当严寒老去的时候,
The Snow Man can no longer stay. 雪人不会独自留下。