美国小学英语教材3:第43课 从未笑过的公主(1)(在线收听

 The Princess Who Never Laughed 从未笑过的公主

Do you remember how all the wise men tried very hard to make the laughing princess cry? 你还记得所有智者是怎么花尽心思让大笑不止的公主哭的吗?
In this story a boy makes a sad little princess laugh without even trying! 在这则故事中,一个男孩毫不费劲,就让一个忧伤的小公主笑了出来。
The Little Old Man 矮个子老人
There was once a wood-cutter who had three sons. 曾经有一位伐木工人,他有三个儿子。
He was very proud of the two older boys, but he thought the youngest son was a simpleton. 他以两个大儿子为骄傲,却认为自己的小儿子是个傻瓜。
One day the oldest son started out to cut wood in the forest. 一天,大儿子去森林里伐树。
His mother gave him some fine brown pancakes to take with him for his lunch. 他的妈妈给他一些上好的布朗饼,让他带着作午餐。
When the boy reached the forest, he met an old man who said, 当这个男孩走到森林的时候,他遇到了一位老人,老人说,
"Good-morning, friend! I am hungry. Will you please give me one of your pancakes?" 朋友,早上好啊,我饿了,你能给我一块饼吗?
"Not I," said the oldest son. "I might not have enough for myself." 不行,我自己吃,还不一定够呢,大儿子说道。
So he began his work, but at the very first stroke, his ax cut his arm. 于是他开始干活,但是刚砍了第一斧下去,他便伤到了自己的胳膊。
Then he had to go home without any wood. 接着他便回了家,一片木头也没带回去。
The next day the second son started out to cut wood and his mother gave him a nice cake to take with him. 第二天,二儿子前去砍树,他的妈妈给他做了一份精美的蛋糕,让他带着。
In the forest he met the same little old man, who asked for a piece of cake. 在森林中,他遇见了同一位矮个子老人,他想要一块蛋糕。
"No!" cried the second son. "I might not have enough for myself." 不行,我自己吃还不一定够呢,二儿子大声说道。
So he turned away and began to cut down a tree, but suddenly he hit his leg such a hard blow that he had to go home. 于是他转过身来开始砍树,但突然斧子重重的砸在了腿上,他不得不回家了。