美国小学英语教材3:第49课 狐狸哥哥和柏油娃娃(3)(在线收听

 Then he did kick him with his foot. 于是他真用脚踢他了。

Bang! and his foot stuck fast to the Tar Baby. 砰!现在他的脚也被紧紧地粘上了。
"Do you think I have only one foot?" cried Brother Rabbit. 你认为我就只有一只脚吗?兔子弟弟叫到,
Bang! He kicked the Tar Baby with his other foot, and it stuck fast, too. 砰!兔子弟弟,又用另一只脚踢了柏油娃娃也被粘上了。
Now Brother Rabbit was so angry that he didn't even stop to think. 现在兔子弟弟气坏了,他也不停下来好好想想。
"Let me go!" he screamed. "Let me go, or I'll bump you with my head, and that will be the last of you! 放开我!他叫道,放开我!不然我就用头撞你了,这是你最后的机会。
Answer me! Turn me loose! You won't? Well, then, look out!" 说话啊!放开我不行吗?好吧,你要小心了。
Biff! went Brother Rabbit's head against the Tar Baby, and it stuck fast. 砰!兔子弟弟的头撞到了柏油娃娃,也被紧紧地粘上了。
Now Brother Rabbit could not move his hands, or his feet, or his head. 现在兔子弟弟的手、头和脚都动不了了。
When he saw that he could not pull himself free, he began to cry. 看到自己挣不开的时候,他开始哭了。
"Let me go, Black Boy," he begged. "I was just playing. Please let me go." 放开我!黑小子,我是开玩笑的,请放我走吧,他央求道。
Just then Brother Fox came running from the bushes. He laughed and danced up and down. 就在这个时候,狐狸哥哥从灌木丛里跑了出来,他开心的手舞足蹈。
"I have you now, Brother Rabbit," he said. "How do you like my Tar Baby? This is what happens to people who creep into my house." 兔子弟弟,我可抓住你啦,他说到,喜欢我的柏油娃娃吗?这就是对溜进我屋子里的家伙的惩罚。
"Let me go," cried Brother Rabbit. "Please let me go, Brother Fox! I am your friend. 放开我,兔子弟弟哭道,狐狸哥哥,请放开我!我是你的朋友。
"I don't want you for a friend," said Brother Fox. "I think I'll just build a big fire." 我不想把你当朋友,狐里哥哥说,我只想要生一堆旺旺的火。
This frightened Brother Rabbit very much. 这可吓坏了兔子弟弟。
"Why do you want to build a fire, Brother Fox?" he asked in a small voice. 狐里哥哥,你为什么要生火?他低声问道,
Brother Fox began to gather wood for a fire. "I think I'll have a roast for dinner," he said. 狐狸哥哥开始到处捡木柴生火。我想晚饭吃一些烧烤,他说,
"Roast rabbit is very good." He started the fire quite close to Brother Rabbit and the Tar Baby. 烤兔肉就很好,他把火就生在兔子弟弟和柏油娃娃的附近,
Then he went away to get more wood. 然后他又去找更多的木柴了,
Brother Rabbit could hear him laughing. 兔子弟弟甚至能听到他一个劲儿在笑。