美国小学英语教材2:第38课 小厨师(在线收听

 The Little Cook 小厨师

Betty was a little girl who lived many years ago. 贝蒂是多年前的一个小女孩。
She was not very big, but she had learned to help her mother. 她长得不大,但已经学会了帮她母亲。
She could wash the dishes and mend the stockings. She could spin, too. 她会洗碗和补袜子。她也会纺纱。
But best of all she liked to cook. 但她最喜欢做饭。
One day Betty was alone at home. 一天,贝蒂独自在家。
Her father and mother and brother had gone to town to see a great sight. 她的父亲、母亲和哥哥进城去看盛大场面了。
President Washington was making a journey through the country. 华盛顿总统正在全国巡游。
He was going from town to town, in a fine coach pulled by six white horses. 他坐在六匹白马拉的漂亮马车里,从一个城镇到另一个城镇。
Four soldiers rode in front of the coach, and four others rode behind it. 四名士兵骑马在马车前,另四名走在马车后。
They were all dressed in white and gold. 他们都穿着金白色交织的衣服。
At every town crowds of people waited to see the President. 每个城镇都有成群的人等着看总统。
Little girls threw flowers before him as he rode along, 当他乘车经过时,小女孩向他面前扔花,
and little boys, dressed like soldiers, marched to meet him. 小男孩像士兵一样穿戴,列队迎接他。
Betty's brother John was to be one of these boys today. 贝蒂的哥哥约翰就是这些男孩中的一个。
But Betty could not see this wonderful sight. 但贝蒂看不到这样精彩的场面了。
Someone had stay at home to keep the house. 必须有人看家。
"I will stay, mother." Betty had said. “妈妈,我留下来。”贝蒂说。
"John must march with the boys to meet the President. “约翰必须和男孩们列队迎接总统。
I will stay at home and cook supper for you." 我会留在家里,给你们做晚饭。”
Betty felt very sad that morning as her parents rode away. 那天早上,贝蒂在父母离开后很伤心。
She did want to see George Washington, the first president of our country. 她也想看乔治华盛顿,他是我们国家的第一任总统。
By seven o'clock her work was finished. 到七点时,她的工作完成了。
She sat on the front porch and watched the people going to town. 她坐在前廊上,看着人们进城。
"Oh, if I could only see the President." she said to herself. “噢,如果我能看到总统多好啊!”她自言自语道。
But what sound was that? Someone was coming! 但那是什么声音?有人来了!
Four soldiers were galloping along the road on horse back. 四名士兵在马背上疾驰而过。
Behind them came a great white coach, which was pulled by six white horses. 他们后面是一辆由六匹马拉动的漂亮白马车。
Betty jumped up, for they all stopped in front of the house. 贝蒂跳了起来,因为他们都停在了房子前面。
A tall man stepped from the coach and came up the path to the porch. 一位高个子男人从马车上走了出来,走上了通往门廊的小路。
He took off his hat as he reached the steps. 他走到台阶时摘了帽子。
"Good morning," said the tall man. "Can you give me some breakfast?" “早上好,”高个子男人说,“你能给我一些早餐吗?”
"I'll try, sir," said Betty with a smile. “先生,我试试吧。”贝蒂笑着说,
"My parents have taken Brother John to town to see the great George Washington. “我的父母带着哥哥约翰去城镇看伟大的乔治·华盛顿了。
I am all alone here and have no one to help me." 我自己在家,没有人帮我。”
"If you are as quick as you are pretty, you won't need any help," said the man. “你很可爱,如果你也这样快得话,就不需要帮助了,”男人说,
"Just get a good breakfast for me, and I promise that you shall see Washington before your brother does." “为我准备一顿美味的早餐,我承诺你比你哥哥更早看到华盛顿。”
Betty almost danced with joy. 贝蒂高兴得几乎跳起舞来。
"I will do the best I can, sir." she said. “我会尽力的,先生。”她说。
Quickly she put on a clean apron. 她很快穿上一条干净的围裙。
Then she spread a white cloth on the table and set out the best dishes and silver. 然后把一块白布铺在桌上,拿出最好的银餐具。
She brought cold meat and bread from the cupboard, and ran to the cellar for butter and cream. 她从碗橱里取出冷肉和面包,然后跑到地下室拿黄油和奶油。
She put some fresh eggs into boiling water and cut pieces of the cold meat. 她把一些新鲜鸡蛋放入沸水中,然后把冷肉切成片。
When everything was ready, she called the hungry man to the table. 当一切准备就绪,她把那个饥饿的人叫到餐桌吃饭。
He had a fine breakfast. As he left the table, he smiled and kissed the child. 他吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。当他离开餐桌时,微笑着亲吻了孩子。
"Now, my dear little cook," he said, “现在,我亲爱的小厨师,”他说,
"you may tell your brother John that you saw Washington before he did, and that he kissed you, too." “你可以告诉你的哥哥约翰,你在他之前见过华盛顿了,而且他还吻了你。”