美国语文第二册 第62期:贝希(1)(在线收听

   dug  挖

  roots  根
  thump  扑通
  offense 犯罪
  toad  蟾蜍
  spools  线轴
  heaped  堆积
  smoothed 平滑
  forth  向前
  apron  围裙
  closets  壁橱
  dandelions 蒲公英
  BESSIE 贝 希
  One day, Bessie thought how nice it would be to have a garden with only wild flowers in it.  一天,贝希在想,如果她有一个开满野花的花园该有多好啊。
  So into the house she ran to find her Aunt Annie, and ask her leave to go over on the shady hillside,  于是她跑到房子里去找阿姨安妮,问她可不可以越过绿树成荫的山坡,
  across the brook, where the wild flowers grew thickest. 穿过小溪,到长满野花的地方去。
  "Yes, indeed, you may go," said Aunt Annie; "but what will you put the roots and earth in while you are making the garden?" “没问题,你当然可以去。”安妮阿姨说,“但你在打造花园的时候用什么来装花草和土壤呢?”
  "Oh," said Bessie, "I can take my apron." “噢。”贝希说,“我可以拿着我的围裙。”
  Her aunt laughed, and said, "A basket will be better, I think."  她的阿姨笑着说:“我觉得带只篮子会更好。”
  So they looked in the closets and the attic, everywhere;  于是,她们到壁橱和阁楼里去找篮子。
  but some of the baskets were full, and some broken; not one could they find that would do. 她们到处找遍了,可那些篮子不是满的就是坏的,没有一个可用。
  Then Aunt Annie turned out the spools and the bags from a nice large workbasket, and gave that to Bessie.  于是,安妮阿姨从一个漂亮的大针线盒里翻出了线轴和布袋,然后交给了贝希。
  "You may have this for your own," she said, "to fill with earth, or flowers, or anything you like." “你自己用吧,这个给你了。”她说,“你可以用它来装土、装花,装任何你喜欢的东西。”
  "Oh! thank you," said Bessie, and she danced away through the garden.  “噢,谢谢您。”贝希说。她迈着轻快的舞步穿过花园,跑出大门。
  She slipped through the gate, out into the field all starred with dandelions, down in the hollow by the brook,  她走进布满蒲公英的田野,穿过溪边的山洞,
  then up on the hillside out of sight among the shady trees. 登上绿树成荫的山坡。
  How she worked that afternoon! She heaped up the dark, rich earth, and smoothed it over with her hands.  看看她一下午都是怎么干的!她把肥沃的黑土堆成一堆,然后用双手夯实。
  Then she dug up violets, and spring-beauties, and other flowers, — running back and forth, singing all the while. 接着,她挖出紫罗兰、春美人以及其他花朵。她跑前跑后,忙来忙去,嘴里一直哼着歌曲。
  The squirrels peeped out of their holes at Bessie.  松鼠们从它们的洞里探出头来瞧着贝希。
  The birds sang in the branches overhead.  鸟儿在头顶的树枝上唱着歌。
  Thump, came something all at once into the middle of the bed.  砰的一声,一个东西一下子蹦到道路中央。
  Bessie jumped and upset the basket, and away it rolled down the hill. 贝希惊得跳了起来,篮子翻了,一直滚到山下。
  How Bessie laughed when she saw a big, brown toad winking his bright eyes at her, as if he would say, "No offense, I hope." 可贝希笑得合不拢嘴,她看到一只棕色的大蛤蟆眨着一双明亮的大眼睛望着她,好像在说:“希望我没有犯错误。”
  Just then Bessie heard a bell ringing loudly.  就在这时,贝希听到了一阵响亮的铃声。
  She knew it was calling her home; but how could she leave her basket?  她知道那是在叫她回家,但她怎么能把篮子丢掉呢?
  She must look for that first. 她必须先把篮子找回来。
  "Waiting, waiting, waiting," all at once sang a bird out of sight among the branches; "waiting, Bessie." “等一等,等一等,等一等。”一只小鸟突然在树枝上叫道,“等一等,贝希。”
  "Sure enough," said Bessie; "perhaps I'm making dear mother or auntie wait; and they are so good to me. " “当然可以。”贝希说,“可能我这样做的话会让亲爱的妈妈或阿姨等我,她们对我很好。”
  I'd better let the basket wait. Take care of it, birdie; and don't jump on my flowers, Mr. Toad. 我还是让篮子等我一会儿吧。小鸟,请好好照看我的篮子。蛤蟆先生,记得别跳到我的花上去。