美国语文第五册 第119期:乡村铁匠(1)(在线收听

   Under a spreading chestnut tree 树冠伸展的栗树下,

  The village smithy stands; 坐落着一间铁匠铺,
  The smith, a mighty man is he, 身材健壮的铁匠,
  With large and sinewy hands; 宽厚有力的双手,
  And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands. 褐色臂膀的肌肉,坚实得好像铁杵。
  His hair is crisp, and black, and long, 他头发蜷曲又黑又长,
  His face is like the tan; 长有一副棕褐色脸膛,
  His brow is wet with honest sweat, 眉尖上滴落辛勤的汗水,
  He earns whate'er he can, 无需仰人鼻息锻造自强。
  And looks the whole world in the face, 他腁手砥足养家糊口,
  For he owes not any man. 神情坚毅,活在这个世上。
  Week in, week out, from morn till night, 从早到晚,筋疲力尽,
  You can hear his bellows blow; 呐喊,吼叫,力抵万金,
  You can hear him swing his heavy sledge, 他身影晃动,铁锤哐当,
  With measured beat and slow, 那声声敲打,缓慢沉重,
  Like a sexton ringing the village bell, 宛如教堂钟声,回响在
  When the evening sun is low. 夜幕将至的血色夕阳。
  And children coming home from school 孩子们放学回家路上,
  Look in at the open door; 走过门前高大栗树,朝里张望,
  They love to see the flaming forge, 他们喜欢看烧红的锻铁,
  And hear the bellows roar, 火苗呼啸,吼声震天,
  And catch the burning sparks that fly like chaff from a threshing floor. 迸发出道道星光四溅,像打谷上麸糠落在田边。