美国语文第五册 第127期:迟到(1)(在线收听

   A railroad train was rushing along at almost lightning speed. 火车近乎闪电般飞奔疾驰,

  A curve was just ahead, beyond which was a station where two trains usually met. 前方有一处拐弯,拐弯过去通常是两列火车交汇站台。
  The conductor was late,—so late that the period during which the up train was to wait had nearly elapsed;  下行车晚点了,按调度常规安排,上行车等待的时间即将结束,
  but he hoped yet to pass the curve safely. 但司机仍然希望能安全闯过那道弯口。
  Suddenly a locomotive dashed into sight right ahead. 一辆机车突然径直冲了过来,
  In an instant there was a collision. 霎时间两车发生碰撞。
  A shriek, a shock, and fifty souls were in eternity; and all because an engineer had been behind time. 尖叫震惊中,五十条生命瞬间消失,所有这些,不过由于一位司乘人员的迟到而酿成的人间悲剧。
  A great battle was going on. 一场伟大的战役战事正酣,
  Column after column had been precipitated for eight hours on the enemy posted along the ridge of a hill. 一列列军队连续进攻沿山脊守护的敌军,战斗持续长达八小时之久。
  The summer sun was sinking in the west; reenforcements for the obstinate defenders were already in sight; 夏日骄阳快要落山了,顽强的防御部队后备增援队伍已进入视野,
  it was necessary to carry the position with one final charge, or everything would be lost. 发动最后一次进攻事不宜迟,否则,整个战役只能前功尽弃。
  A powerful corps had been summoned from across the country, and if it came up in season all would yet be well. 全国紧急传令召集一支精锐兵团,如果部队能按时抵达,战事局面将大为改观。
  The great conqueror, confident in its arrival, formed his reserve into an attacking column, and ordered them to charge the enemy. 那位不朽的征服者,对自己麾下部队能投入战斗信心百倍,于是他将最后后备队亦悉数投入进攻,下令向敌军开火。
  The whole world knows the result. Grouchy failed to appear; the imperial guard was beaten back; and Waterloo was lost. 整个世界对最终结果一目了然,格鲁希元帅未能按时抵达,帝国卫队被彻底击败,滑铁卢丢失,
  Napoleon died a prisoner at St. Helena because one of his marshals was behind time. 拿破仑死在圣.赫勒拿监狱,战争失利由于那位元帅的迟到。