美国语文第五册 第139期:遗嘱(2)(在线收听

   But here comes the young reprobate. He must be present, as a matter of course, you know.  哦,瞧,那小流氓进来了,他准得来的,不消说,你懂的。

  (Enter Frank Millington.) (弗兰克·米林顿走进)
  Your servant, young gentleman. So your benefactress has left you at last. 你的仆从在此,年轻人,你的监护人已经去世了。
  It is a painful thing to part with old and good friends, Mr. Millington.  米林顿先生,与挚友及心爱朋友最后离别,真够难过的。
  Frank says: It is so, sir; but I could bear her loss better had I not so often been ungrateful for her kindness.  弗兰克:先生们,事已至此,如果当时我并非一而再、再而三对她的培养忘恩负义,想起这一点比她的去世更难忍受。
  She was my only friend, and I knew not her value.  她是我唯一的亲人,我真是枉费了她一番好心。
  It is too late to repent, Master Millington. You will now have a chance to earn your own bread. 现在再买后悔药,晚了,米林顿少爷。从今个起,你得自个在土里刨食了。
  Ay, ay, or the sweat of your brow, as better people are obliged to.  咳,咳,你是得自己找活路了,汗珠子摔八瓣,那些比你还体面的人也得做活。
  You would make a fine brewer's boy, if you were not too old. 你不如学学怎么酿酒,但愿年龄还不太大。
  Ay, or a saddler's lackey, if held with a tight rein.  哎呀呀,做个皮货商跟班学徒也不错,如果约束更严点的话。
  Gentlemen, your remarks imply that my aunt has treated me as I deserved.  先生们,你们的话说明,我婶婶那样对我,真是我咎由自取。
  I am above your insults, and only hope you will bear your fortune as modestly as I shall mine submissively. I shall retire.  不过,你们还不够资格来羞辱我,我唯一指望你们能像我那样谦卑顺从地接受现实,好了,我得走了。
  (Going: He meets Squire Drawl.) (弗兰克正欲离开,德洛法官走进。)
  Squire says: Stop, stop, young man. We must have your presence. Good morning, gentlemen; you are early on the ground.  德洛法官:等等,年轻人。你肯定不能离开,早上好,先生们,你们来得可真够早。
  I hope the Squire is well to-day. 但愿法官大人今天感觉不错。
  Pretty comfortable, for an invalid.  对病弱之躯来说,我感觉相当不错。
  I trust the damp air has not affected your lungs again. 我相信空气闷湿不会再次影响法官大人的喘气吧。