美国语文第五册 第146期:冰山(2)(在线收听

   Persistent little waves!  固执坚韧的碎小浪花!

  After a dash, singly, all around, upon the common enemy, as if by some silent agreement underwater, 似乎由于海水深处秘不可宣的约定,波浪从四面八方涌来,不约而同地猛烈撞击着冰山它们共同的敌人,然后周而复始呼啸着卷土再来;
  they would all rush on at once, with their loudest roar and shaggiest foam,  浪花宣泄,发出震耳欲聋的吼声,水沫翻腾拍击震天。
  and overwhelm poor bear so completely that nothing less might be expected than to behold him broken in four quarters, 可怜的极地熊备受打击,徒劳无望地看着它的肢体分解为数段,
  and floating helplessly asunder. Mistaken spectators!  无数冰块碎片随意漂浮海面,令观望者头昏目眩!
  Although, by his momentary rolling and plunging, he was evidently aroused, 由于旋风般滚动冲撞,北极熊显然已被击醒,
  yet neither Bruin nor his burrow was at all the worse for all the wear and washing. 看着海浪冲刷凶猛反复撞击,布来恩和他的藏身地看来还不算太糟。
  The deep fluting, the wrinkled folds, and cavities, over and through which the green and silvery water rushed back into the sea, 裹起高低起伏的瓦楞般涌浪,皱褶交叠的湍流翻飞,漩涡急遽堆成千形百状,
  rivaled the most exquisite sculpture.  实在可与世间最为精湛的雕刻竟相媲美。
  And nature not only gives her marbles, with the finest lines, the most perfect lights and shades, she colors them also.  大理石缎面的海水线条奇异,光怪陆离的色泽或晦或明,变幻多端的繁杂花式恍如鬼斧神工。
  She is no monochromist, but polychromic,  大自然绝不是单色调画家,不过将她手中璀璨宝石撒向天空,
  imparting such touches of dove tints, emerald, and azure as she bestows upon her gems and skies.  随意勾抹轻挑,于是,繁复缤纷的浅灰、翡翠、湛蓝随即幻化成漫天遮地的七彩霓虹。
  We are bearing up under the big berg as closely as we dare.  近点、再近点,我们尽可能大胆地靠近那座高耸的冰山,
  To our delight, what we have been wishing and watching for is actually taking place:  感到欣喜的是,终于看到一幕长久期待并可近距离观察的自然奇观:
  loud explosions, with heavy falls of ice, followed by the cataract-like roar, 气势磅礴的爆炸,庞大冰块崩裂后从高空倾泻,类似大瀑布飞涌直落而下,激起震天回响;
  and the high, thin seas, wheeling away beautifully crested with sparkling foam.  海水飞旋地直冲冰山冠顶,迸射出火花闪烁的水沫飘洒。