美国语文第五册 第150期:鹌鹑(3)(在线收听

   I never yet heard of the parental tenderness of a trout, eating up his little baby, 我未曾听说有似水柔情的鳟鱼父母,它们能吃光自己的宝贝;

  nor of the filial gratitude of a spider, nipping the life out of his gray-headed father, and usurping his web. 亦未曾听说有孝顺感恩的蜘蛛,那些能咬死垂老的父母,从而占据它们的窝。
  But if you would see the purest, the sincerest, the most affecting piety of a parent's love,  但是,如果你觉察到父母对子女纯粹真挚及感人至深的眷爱,
  startle a young family of quails, and watch the conduct of the mother.  势必惊讶于鹌鹑的幼小家庭,不妨看看鹌鹑母亲的所作所为吧。
  She will not leave you. No, not she.  她不会丢下子女逃之夭夭,决不!
  But she will fall at your feet, uttering a noise which none but a distressed mother can make,  她会假装落到人们脚边,发出母亲的唯一痛苦声音。
  and she will run, and flutter, and seem to try to be caught, and cheat your outstretched hand,  她同时奔跑,一边拍动双翼,似乎即将被人捉住。她会欺骗你张开手掌,
  and affect to be wing-broken and wounded, and yet have just strength to tumble along,  假装它的翅膀断了或受伤,甚至费劲地一路翻滚,
  until she has drawn you, fatigued, a safe distance from her threatened children and the young hopes of her heart;  直到把你折磨得筋疲力尽,将你从她受到生命威胁的孩子处成功引开,这才是她的希望所在。
  and then will she mount, whirring with glad strength, and away through the maze of trees you have not seen before,  然后,她最终就呼啦啦快乐地飞走,飞进那些你不曾知晓的树林深处,飞去她潜藏孩子的地方,
  like a close-shot bullet, fly to her skulking infants,  像近距离射出的子弹,倏尔不知所终。
  Listen now. Do you hear those three half-plaintive notes, quickly and clearly poured out?  听!你听见那三声近乎悲痛哀伤、急速清晰的倾诉心声吗?
  She is calling the boys and girls together.  她在呼唤她的儿女聚拢一起。