江苏译林版牛津小学英语(3起)五年级下册:Unit1 Cartoon time(在线收听

 Bobby and Sam are in the forest. 波比和萨姆在森林里。

Do you have any snacks, Sam? I'm very hungry. 萨姆,你有吃的东西吗?我好饿。
No, I don't. 我没有。
Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree. 波比发现树下面有许多蘑菇。
Hurry up, Bobby. It's late. 快点,波比。太晚了
Look! There are some mushrooms. We can eat them. 看,这儿有些蘑菇。我们可以吃。
Bobby picks a big red mushroom. 波比采了一颗又大又红的蘑菇。
Would you like one? 你想吃一颗吗?
No, Bobby! We can't eat them. 不,波比。我们不能吃。
Bobby does not understand. 波比不明白。
Why? They look so nice. 为什么?它们看上去很好。
Because these mushrooms are bad for us! 因为这些蘑菇对我们的身体有害!
Oh, What a pity! 哦,真可惜!