
 The prospect was unlimited, but exceedingly monotonous and forbidding; not the slightest variety that I could see.  船泊在一片浪涛之中,有规律地摇晃着,远处是一望无际的海洋,辽阔而单调,神秘而恐怖。 

Well, what's the report? said Peleg when I came back; what did ye see?  说吧,看见什么?我刚回过身来,他便这样问我。 
Not much, I replied—nothing but water; considerable horizon though, and there's a squall coming up, I think.  大海,辽阔的大海,仅此而已。似乎要起大风了。
Well, what does thou think then of seeing the world? Do ye wish to go round Cape Horn to see any more of it, eh? Can't ye see the world where you stand?  好了,你现在关于那种见见世面的想法还依旧吗?你刚才看见的不是一种世面吗?
I was a little staggered, but go a-whaling I must, and I would; and the Pequod was as good a ship as any, 我一时竟不知如何回答了。但是我内心中去捕鲸、去随着裴廓德号一起去捕鲸的观念依然十分坚定。 
I thought the best,and all this I now repeated to Peleg. Seeing me so determined, he expressed his willingness to ship me.  法勒船长看出了我的心思,他点了点头。 那好吧,跟我来签约。
And thou mayest as well sign the papers right off, he added,come along with ye. And so saying, he led the way below deck into the cabin.  我跟着他离开甲板,走下了船舱。
Seated on the transom was what seemed to me a most uncommon and surprising figure.  这时候,我看见了船尾的横木上坐着一个人,他就是比勒达。 使人一见之下,便会留下永不磨灭的印象。 