
 I went down to supper. After sitting a long time listening to the long stories of some sailors who had just come from a plum-pudding voyage, as they called it; 我独自下楼去吃饭。几个刚刚进行了葡萄干布了航行—这是水手们通行的叫法,指在赤道以北的大西洋中所做的短距离捕鲸航行—的水手们正讲着海上的故事,他们讲得滔滔不绝,

after listening to these plum-puddingers till nearly eleven o'clock, I went up stairs to go to bed,  我听得也津津有味,到夜里十一点的时候,我想该上楼去了。 
feeling quite sure by this time Queequeg must certainly have brought his Ramadan to a termination.  可让我吃惊的是,魁魁格还那样呆坐着!他这么坐了一天了,我真有点生气了。 
But no; there he was just where I had left him; he had not stirred an inch. I began to grow vexed with him;  “魁魁格,你动一动吧,吃点饭,别糟踏自己了,你会死的,魁魁格!他好像什么也没听见,一动不动。 
it seemed so downright senseless and insane to be sitting there all day and half the night on his hams in a cold room, holding a piece of wood on his head.  算了,我自己先睡吧。上床前,我把那件又沉又厚的熊度外套披在了他身上。 