
 Mixed with these were rusty old whaling lances and harpoons all broken and deformed.  吓人的家伙去干那杀人的勾当,在这些东西中还夹杂有一些全都已经破烂失形。

Some were storied weapons. With this once long lance, now wildly elbowed, fifty years ago did Nathan Swain kill fifteen whales between a sunrise and a sunset.  发锈古旧的捕鲸鱼枪和标枪.有的还是传说中的有名的武器.五十年前,拿单.斯温就用了这支本来是长长的。
And that harpoon-so like a corkscrew now-was flung in Javan seas, and run away with by a whale, years afterwards slain off the Cape of Blanco.  如今已经曲不成形的鱼枪,在一天里杀死了十五只鲸.而那支标枪...现在已是象支螺丝锥了...给投进了爪哇海后,还给一只鲸带着走了,好几年后这只鲸才在布朗可角的洋面上被人打死。
The original iron entered nigh the tail, and, like a restless needle sojourning in the body of a man, travelled full forty feet, and at last was found imbedded in the hump. 本来打在那只鲸身上的那支标枪头直戳到靠近鱼尾的地方,象一根不停不歇的针在人体内游历一般,足足跑了四十英尺的路程,最后才被发现深嵌在那只鲸的背峰里。
Crossing this dusky entry,  穿过了这个昏暗的进口处,
and on through yon low-arched way-cut through what in old times must have been a great central chimney with fireplaces all round-you enter the public room.  又穿过那边的低拱形的走道...这一定是用古代那种遍通各处的火炉的总烟囱管剖开来的...就走进了那客店的堂屋。
A still duskier place is this, with such low ponderous beams above, and such old wrinkled planks beneath,  这地方还要昏暗,上边是那么低矮.笨重的梁木,下边又是旧得起皱的厚板,
that you would almost fancy you trod some old craft's cockpits, especially of such a howling night, when this corner-anchored old ark rocked so furiously.  简直使人以为踩进了一只破船的船尾座位,尤其在这样一个狂风怒号的夜晚,使人以为这只陷入绝境而不得不抛下锚来的破旧的方舟正在剧烈地摇晃不停。