
 If I had been astonished at first catching a glimpse of so outlandish an individual as Queequeg circulating among the polite society of a civilized town,  如果说,我在一个文明城市的上流社会中,初眼瞥见象魁魁格这样一个野蛮人而不胜诧异的话,那么,等我在白天里,

that astonishment soon departed upon taking my first daylight stroll through the streets of New Bedford. 初次在新贝德福街上散步的时候,这种诧异便立刻消失了。
In thoroughfares nigh the docks, any considerable seaport will frequently offer to view the queerest looking nondescripts from foreign parts.  任何一个大商埠,在靠近码头的那些要道中,往往可以看到来自外地的许多奇形怪状的人物。
Even in Broadway and Chestnut streets, Mediterranean mariners will sometimes jostle the affrighted ladies.  哪怕在百老汇和栗子街,有时也会有地中海的水手冲撞着那些胆小的太太。
Regent Street is not unknown to Lascars and Malays; and at Bombay, in the Apollo Green, live Yankees have often scared the natives.  东印度的水手和马来人在摄政大街也并不是陌生的;在孟买的阿坡罗草场上,蹦蹦跳跳的美国佬便往往吓坏了当地的土人。
But New Bedford beats all Water Street and Wapping.  不过,新贝德福却远非水街和瓦平所能比拟的。
In these last-mentioned haunts you see only sailors; but in New Bedford, actual cannibals stand chatting at street corners; savages outright;  在水街和瓦平,人们只看到一些水手来来去去;而在新贝德福,却看到了真正的吃人生番在街角聊天;许多道道地地的野人;
many of whom yet carry on their bones unholy flesh. It makes a stranger stare. 其中有许多且是赤身露体的,那真教一个陌生客看得目瞪口呆。
But, besides the Feegeeans, Tongatobooarrs, Erromanggoans, Pannangians, and Brighggians,  但是,除了这些斐济人,东加托波亚尔人,埃罗曼哥亚人,邦南及亚人,柏莱及亚人,
and, besides the wild specimens of the whaling-craft which unheeded reel about the streets, you will see other sights still more curious, certainly more comical.  以及一些旁若无人.在街头摇摇摆摆.以捕鲸为生的野人以外,人们还可以看到其他一些更为希奇。
There weekly arrive in this town scores of green Vermonters and New Hampshire men, all athirst for gain and glory in the fishery.  而且一定更为有趣的景致.每周都有许多佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州的生手来到这城里,他们都急于要在捕鲸业中搞个名利双收。