
 Softly, softly, and steadily, my men. 慢些,慢些,沉着些,我的伙伴们。

Only pull, and keep pulling; nothing more. 只要划,不停地划就行;这就够了。
Crack all your backbones, and bite your knives in two--that's all. 过分用劲,会弄伤你们的脊骨,把你们的短刀咬成两段,就是这么一回事。
Take it easy--why don't ye take it easy, I say, and burst all your livers and lungs!" 别着急呀!你们着的什么急呀,我说,那会把你们的肝肺都爆出来的!"
But what it was that inscrutable Ahab said to that tiger-yellow crew of his--these were words best omitted here; 但是,那个神秘莫测的亚哈究竟对他那些褐色的水手说些什么——这些话还是在这儿给略了为妙,
for you live under the blessed light of the evangelical land. 因为你毕竟活在这个遵从福音的世界的圣光里。
Only the infidel sharks in the audacious seas may give ear to such words, 只有生活在无耻的海里的那些没有信仰的鲨鱼才高兴听这种话,
when with tornado brow, and eyes of red murder, and foam-glued lips, Ahab leaped after his prey. 况且这时又正是亚哈眉毛如旋风,眼睛杀气腾腾,嘴巴粘着涎沫在急起直追他的猎物的时候。
Meanwhile, all the boats tore on.  这时,四只小艇都疾驰猛冲而去。
The repeated specific allusions of Flask to "that whale," 弗拉斯克一再在转弯抹角地提到"那条大鲸"(这是他对那只虚构的巨兽的叫法),
as he called the fictitious monster which he declared to be incessantly tantalizing his boat's bow with its tail-- 他说"那条大鲸"老是不停地用它的尾巴在逗弄船头——
these allusions of his were at times so vivid and life-like, 他这些转弯抹角的说话有时说得那么逼真和活龙活现,
that they would cause some one or two of his men to snatch a fearful look over his shoulder. 以致有两个水手突然回过头去惊讶地一望。
But this was against all rule; 这可是有违常规的;
for the oarsmen must put out their eyes, and ram a skewer through their necks; 因为桨手必须摘掉眼睛,脖子上得撑着一把小剑;在这种紧要关头中,
usages announcing that they must have no organs but ears; 习俗要求他们只带耳朵,不带别的器官,
and no limbs but arms, in these critical moments. 只带胳膊不带别的肢体。
It was a sight full of quick wonder and awe! 这真是叫人看了又敬畏又惊奇!
The vast swells of the omnipotent sea; 全能的大海的滚滚浪涛,
the surging, hollow roar they made, as they rolled along the eight gunwales, 澎湃空泛的号啸,冲击着八面船舷,
like gigantic bowls in a boundless bowling-green; 象是在一望无际的木球草地上滚着的大木球;
the brief suspended agony of the boat, 小艇给挂在浪峰上那种短促的呻吟声,
as it would tip for an instant on the knife-like edge of the sharper waves, 仿佛当即擦上了浪潮的锋利刀刃,
that almost seemed threatening to cut it in two; 几乎眼看就要给割成两段,
the sudden profound dip into the watery glens and hollows; 突然间又急坠进了水汪汪的溪谷和洼地里,
the keen spurrings and goadings to gain the top of the opposite hill; 如象用靴刺踢马催迫它去争夺对面的山头,
the headlong, sled-like slide down its other side; 又从那边的另一个斜坡疾如雪橇滑了下去
all these, with the cries of the headsmen and harpooneers, and the shuddering gasps of the oarsmen, 所有这一切,加上指挥人和标枪手的叫喊声,桨手们的抖抖索索的喘气声,
with the wondrous sight of the ivory Pequod bearing down upon her boats with outstretched sails,like a wild hen after her screaming brood; 又加上那只象疯狂的母鸡在追它那些吓得尖叫的小鸡的象牙骨的"裴廓德号",张满篷帆直对它四只小艇冲过去的奇观。
all this was thrilling. 这一切都是教人惊心动魄的。