
   Oh, horrible vulturism of earth! from which not the mightiest whale is free. 多么贪得无厌的世界呵!哪怕威力无比的大鲸也逃不了这个劫数!

  Nor is this the end. 然而,这并不算完结。
  Desecrated as the body is, a vengeful ghost survives and hovers over it to scare. 尽管它的身躯遭到亵渎,它那报仇的怨魂并未消散,仍在尸体上翱翔,好生吓人。
  Espied by some timid man-of-war or blundering discovery-vessel from afar,  如果偶然被一只胆怯的兵舰或者冒失的探险船从远处看到,
  when the distance obscuring the swarming fowls, nevertheless still shows the white mass floating in the sun, 它虽是被群群的禽鸟弄得模糊不清,却还在光天化日之下现出雪白一团,
  and the white spray heaving high against it; 滔天白浪尽在对它冲击,
  straightway the whale's unharming corpse, with trembling fingers is set down in the log—shoals, rocks, and breakers hereabouts: beware! 于是人们马上就会颤抖着手,把这条鲸的不再会伤害人的尸体,记在航海日志上——附近发现鱼群,暗礁和危险物:得小心!
  And for years afterwards, perhaps, ships shun the place; 这样,说不定过了许多年后,船只还要避开那地方;
  leaping over it as silly sheep leap over a vacuum, because their leader originally leaped there when a stick was held. 象只傻山羊一跃跳过空隙一般,因为那只领头羊原来也是看到插有一根竹枝就跳将过去的。
  There's your law of precedents; there's your utility of traditions; 这就是你们的祖先立下来的规矩,这就是你们的传统观念的实用价值;
  there's the story of your obstinate survival of old beliefs never bottomed on the earth, and now not even hovering in the air! There's orthodoxy! 这就是你们那上不着天,下不着地的古老的信念的顽固的残余!这就是正统!
  Thus, while in the life the great whale's body may have been a real terror to his foes, in his death his ghost becomes a powerless panic to a world. 因此,大鲸活着的时候,它的身体在它的敌人看来,也许本来就是一种真正的恐怖,到了它死后,它那怨魂又变成人间的无能为力的恐慌了。
  Are you a believer in ghosts, my friend? 你是相信鬼神的么,我的朋友?
  There are other ghosts than the Cock-Lane one, and far deeper men than Doctor Johnson who believe in them. 除了鸡巷鬼,还有各式各样的鬼,甚至比约翰逊博士更有涵养的人都还相信鬼神咧。