
 I say it only shows his foolish, impious pride, and abominable, devilish rebellion against the reverend clergy. 我认为,这只是他故意要反抗牧师们而表示出来的一种愚蠢、可鄙和绝顶荒谬的作为。

For by a Portuguese Catholic priest, this very idea of Jonah's going to Nineveh via the Cape of Good Hope was advanced as a signal magnification of the general miracle. 因为关于约拿这种经好望角去尼尼微的想象,曾被一个葡萄牙籍的天主教神甫,添油加酱地说成一种非常夸张的大奇迹。
And so it was. 原来就是这么一回事。
Besides, to this day, the highly enlightened Turks devoutly believe in the historical story of Jonah. 而且,直到今天,那些很开通的土耳其人还是虔诚地相信约拿这段史实。
And some three centuries ago, an English traveller in old Harris's Voyages, 大约在三百年前,有一个到过赫黎斯(在赫布里底群岛中的一个地方。)的英国旅行家,
speaks of a Turkish Mosque built in honor of Jonah, in which Mosque was a miraculous lamp that burnt without any oil. 就谈到在土耳其那一个为纪念约拿而建立的寺院中,有只不需要任何灯油、自会发亮的神灯。
Chapter 84 Pitchpoling 第八十四章 投杆
To make them run easily and swiftly, the axles of carriages are anointed; 为了使车轴转得又滑又快,就得给车轴加油;
and for much the same purpose, some whalers perform an analogous operation upon their boat; they grease the bottom. 有些捕鲸人为了完全一样的目的,也对他们的小艇使用类似的办法;他们给艇底擦油。
Nor is it to be doubted that as such a procedure can do no harm, it may possibly be of no contemptible advantage; 这种操作,不用置疑,是有益无损,而且还可以说是毫无害处的。
considering that oil and water are hostile; that oil is a sliding thing, and that the object in view is to make the boat slide bravely. 因为油与水本来就是不能相容的;油是滑溜溜的东西,这个做法的目的是要使得小艇航驶如飞。
Queequeg believed strongly in anointing his boat, and one morning not long after the German ship Jungfrau disappeared, 魁魁格就非常相信给他的小艇擦油这事情。那艘德国船"处女号"消失后不多久,有一天早晨,
took more than customary pains in that occupation; crawling under its bottom, where it hung over the side,  他比平常更为用劲地给小艇擦油,那只小艇吊在舷侧,
and rubbing in the unctuousness as though diligently seeking to insure a crop of hair from the craft's bald keel. 他爬在艇底下,拼命擦呀擦的,仿佛在生方设法保证这只小艇的光秃秃的龙骨,长出一簇头发来。