美国小学英语教材3:第62课 汉斯和四大巨人(3)(在线收听

 The Enchanted Pearls 魔法珍珠

Hans was so happy at what the king said that he turned and hurried out of the palace. 听到国王的话汉斯很高兴,他转身匆匆离开了王宫。
The very next day he started on his journey to the North Sea. 第二天他开始了去往北海的旅程。
He walked and walked, until he was very tired. 他走啊走走得非常累。
Just as he was going to sit down to rest, he saw a great giant rushing toward him. 就在他想坐下来休息的时候,他看到一个巨人向他冲了过来。
"Good-morning!" said Hans. "Are you in any trouble? Perhaps I can help you." 早上好,汉斯说,你有什么困难吗?或许我能帮得到你。
"Oh, no, thank you," answered the giant, looking down at Hans. 哦,没有,谢谢你!巨人低下头看了看汉斯回答道,
"I am in no trouble. I always rush along. Where are you going, young man?" 我没有问题,我总是跑得很快,年轻人你去哪?
"I am going to the North Sea to get the king a string of enchanted pearls that lies at the bottom of the water," answered Hans. 我要去北海为国王取一串位于海底的魔法珍珠,汉斯回答说。
"Ah!" said the great giant,"it will take you a long while to get there. 巨人说,啊,那你要花费很长一段时间才能到那。
Now if you could walk as fast as I can, it would be a very easy thing to get to the North Sea quickly." 如果你现在能走得跟我一样快的话,赶到北海就会容易很多了。
"How fast can you walk?" asked Hans. 你可以走多快呢?汉斯问道。
"I can walk faster than any horse can run," answered the giant. 我走得比任何一匹马跑得都快,巨人回答说。