英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第97期:第七章 梦魇(2)(在线收听

 I opened my eyes to a familiar place.  我睁开了眼睛,发现自己在一个熟悉的地方。

Aware in some corner of my consciousness that I was dreaming,  我的意识里的某些部分告诉我自己正在做梦。
I recognized the green light of the forest.  我认出了这座森林里的绿光。
I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby.  我能听到,在附近的某个地方,海浪正在撞击着岩礁。
And I knew that if I found the ocean, I'd be able to see the sun.  我知道,如果我能找到海,我就能看见太阳。
I was trying to follow the sound, but then Jacob Black was there,  我试图循声找去,但这时候,雅克布·布莱克出现了。
tugging on my hand, pulling me back toward the blackest part of the forest."Jacob? What's wrong?"  他拽着我的手,拖着我向森林里最幽暗的地方走去。“雅克布?怎么了?”
I asked. His face was frightened as he yanked with all his strength against my resistance;  我问道。他的脸上写满了恐惧,他拉着我,用尽全身的力气来制止我的反抗。
I didn't want to go into the dark. 我不想走进黑暗中。
"Run, Bella, you have to run!" he whispered, terrified. “跑,贝拉,你得跑!”他恐惧地低声说道。
"This way, Bella!"  “这边,贝拉!”
I recognized Mike's voice calling out of the gloomy heart of the trees, but I couldn't see him. 我认出了迈克的声音,那是从树林里黑暗的中心传来的。但我看不见他。
"Why?" I asked, still pulling against Jacob's grasp,  “为什么?”我问道,依然反抗着雅克布的紧握,
desperate now to find the sun. But Jacob let go of my hand and yelped, suddenly shaking,  渴望着去寻找太阳。但雅克布放开了我的手,大叫着,忽然倒在了森林中灰扑扑的地面上。
falling to the dim forest floor. He twitched on the ground as I watched in horror. 他躺在地上,抽搐着,我惊恐地看着他。
"Jacob!" I screamed. But he was gone.  “雅克布!”我尖叫起来。但他不见了。
In his place was a large red-brown wolf with black eyes.  在他的位置上出现了一只巨大的红棕色的狼,眼睛是黑色的。
The wolf faced away from me, pointing toward the shore,  那只狼转过身去背对着我,冲着海岸的方向。
the hair on the back of his shoulders bristling, low growls issuing from between his exposed fangs. 他背上的毛发全都竖了起来,低低的嚎叫声从他露出的尖牙间传出来。
"Bella, run!" Mike cried out again from behind me.  “贝拉,跑!”迈克又一次在我身后大声喊着。
But I didn't turn. I was watching a light coming toward me from the beach. 但我没有跑。我看见一道光从海滩那边向着我过来了。
And then Edward stepped out from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, 然后,爱德华从树林中走出来。他的肌肤微微发着光,
his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet. 他的双眸漆黑而危险。他举起一只手,示意我到他那里去。狼在我的脚边咆哮着。