英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第114期:第七章 梦魇(19)(在线收听

 "Well, okay." He seemed to realize that he was out of his depth with the girlie stuff. "It's a school night, though." “嗯,好吧。”他似乎意识到他离少女的世界太远了。“不过,这是上学的晚上。”

"We'll leave right after school, so we can get back early. You'll be okay for dinner, right?" “我们一放学就去,这样我们就可以早点回来。你要自己解决晚餐,没问题吧?”
"Bells, I fed myself for seventeen years before you got here," he reminded me. “贝尔,在你到这儿来以前,我自力更生了十七年。”他提醒我。
"I don't know how you survived," I muttered, then added more clearly, “我不知道你是怎么活下来的。”我嘟囔着,然后更清晰地补充道。
"I'll leave some things for cold-cut sandwiches in the fridge, okay? Right on top." “我会在冰箱里留一点做冷餐三明治的食材,好吗?就在冰箱上层。”
It was sunny again in the morning. I awakened with renewed hope that I grimly tried to suppress. 这天早上又是晴空万里。我又燃起了新的希望,虽然我冷漠地试图把这种感觉给压下去。
I dressed for the warmer weather in a deep blue V-neck blouse—something I'd worn in the dead of winter in Phoenix. 因为天气更暖和了,我穿上了一件深蓝色V领短打衫——这是我在凤凰城冬天最冷的时候才会穿的衣服。
I had planned my arrival at school so that I barely had time to make it to class. 我精确地安排着到校时间,这样我就能刚好赶上上课了。
With a sinking heart, I circled the full lot looking for a space, while also searching for the silver Volvo that was clearly not there. 我心里沉甸甸的,满停车场兜着圈子找空位,同时也是在找那辆银色沃尔沃,但它显然不在。
I parked in the last row and hurried to English, arriving breathless, but subdued, before the final bell. 我把车停到最后一排,然后匆忙地跑去上英语课,上气不接下气地赶到了教室,然后在最后一声铃响前缓了过来。
It was the same as yesterday—I just couldn't keep little sprouts of hope from budding in my mind, 今天和昨天完全一样——只是我没能保住心头萌发的小小希望之芽。
only to have them squashed painfully as I searched the lunchroom in vain and sat at my empty Biology table. 当我徒劳地搜索着午餐室,当我坐到空荡荡的生物实验桌旁时,我只能痛苦地把它们扼杀掉。