英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第126期:第八章 天使港(11)(在线收听

 It was dark in the car, no light had come on with the opening of the door, 车里很黑,即使在门开着的时候也没有任何光线照进来,

and I could barely see his face in the glow from the dashboard. 我只能借着仪表板上发出的红光勉强看清他的脸。
The tires squealed as he spun around to face north, 他调转车头向北,轮胎发出尖锐的声音。
accelerating too quickly, swerving toward the stunned men on the street. 车子加速得太快了,以至于急转着冲向了街道上那些吓呆了的男人。
I caught a glimpse of them diving for the sidewalk as we straightened out and sped toward the harbor. 当我们径直开出街道,加速向海湾驶去的时候,我仅能瞥见他们向人行道上逃去。
"Put on your seat belt," he commanded, and I realized I was clutching the seat with both hands. “系上你的安全带。”他命令道,我这才意识到自己双手紧紧地抓着座位。
I quickly obeyed; the snap as the belt connected was loud in the darkness. 我迅速服从了命令。安全带扣在一起时发出啪的一声,在黑暗中显得格外响亮。
He took a sharp left, racing forward, blowing through several stop signs without a pause. 他向左急转,向前推进着,接连闯过了好几个红灯也没停下来。
But I felt utterly safe and, for the moment, totally unconcerned about where we were going. 但眼下我只感受到了一种绝对的安全感,完全不关心我们要去哪里。
I stared at his face in profound relief, relief that went beyond my sudden deliverance. 我凝视着他的脸,深深地感到宽慰,这种宽慰甚至超过了我意外得救的感觉。
I studied his flawless features in the limited light, waiting for my breath to return to normal, 在微弱的光线里,我细看着他毫无瑕疵的容貌,等着我的呼吸恢复如常,
until it occurred to me that his expression was murderously angry. 直到我想起来,他脸上的神情是一种残暴的愤怒。
"Are you okay?" I asked, surprised at how hoarse my voice sounded. “你还好吧?”我问道,惊讶地发现自己的声音听起来是那么的嘶哑。
"No," he said curtly, and his tone was livid. “不。”他简略地答道,依然是震怒的口吻。
I sat in silence, watching his face while his blazing eyes stared straight ahead, until the car came to a sudden stop. 我沉默地坐着,看着他的脸,他冒火的眼睛却直视着前方,直到车子忽然一个急停。
I glanced around, but it was too dark to see anything beside the vague outline of dark trees crowding the roadside. 我环顾四周,但外面太黑了,除了公路两旁那些模糊的黑色的树影,什么也看不见。
We weren't in town anymore. 我们已经不在镇上了。
"Bella?" he asked, his voice tight, controlled. “贝拉?”他问道。他的声音紧绷着,显然在竭力控制着自己。
"Yes?" My voice was still rough. I tried to clear my throat quietly. “怎么了?”我的声音依然沙哑着。我试图不发出声音地清了清嗓子。
"Are you all right?" He still didn't look at me, but the fury was plain on his face. “你没事吧?”他还是没有看我,但他脸上的狂怒再明白不过了。