英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第129期:第八章 天使港(14)(在线收听

 He spoke before I could. "Go stop Jessica and Angela before I have to track them down, too. 在我开口以前,他说话了:“在我又想去追捕他们以前,去把杰西卡和安吉拉叫住。

I don't think I could restrain myself if I ran into your other friends again." 要是我再碰上你另一些朋友,我不认为我还能管得住自己。”
I shivered at the threat in his voice. 他话语里的威胁让我不寒而栗。
"Jess! Angela!" I yelled after them, waving when they turned. “杰西!安吉拉!”我在她们背后大喊着,当她们回过头来时,我用力挥着手。
They rushed back to me, 她们转身向我冲回来,
the pronounced relief on both their faces simultaneously changing to surprise as they saw who I was standing next to. 但在看清和我站在一起的人以后,脸上显而易见的宽慰瞬间变成了惊讶。
They hesitated a few feet from us. 她们在离我只有几英尺远的地方踌躇着。
"Where have you been?" Jessica's voice was suspicious. “你上哪儿去了?”杰西卡的声音里充满了怀疑。
"I got lost," I admitted sheepishly. “我迷路了。”我羞怯地承认道。
"And then I ran into Edward." I gestured toward him. “然后我碰见了爱德华。”我向他做了个手势。
"Would it be all right if I joined you?" he asked in his silken, irresistible voice. “我可以加入你们吗?”他用丝绸一样柔软的,让人无法抗拒的声音问道。
I could see from their staggered expressions that he had never unleashed his talents on them before. 我能从她们脸上吃惊的神情看出,此前他从未对她们施展过他的天赋。
"Er...sure," Jessica breathed. “唔……当然。”杰西卡喘息着说。
"Um, actually, Bella, we already ate while we were waiting—sorry," Angela confessed. “呃,事实上,贝拉,在我们等待的时候我们就吃过了——抱歉。”安吉拉坦白道。
"That's fine—I'm not hungry." I shrugged. “没关系——我不饿。”我耸耸肩。