美国国家公共电台 NPR What We Learned From Dad(在线收听



Today, we celebrate fathers for a lot of reasons - for their support and love, their jokes and, more importantly, their lessons. How to ride a bike, throw a ball, how to be a good friend. What our dads teach us can shape who we are. This Father's Day, we asked you to tell us something special your dad taught you. Dana Hammond starts us off.

DANA HAMMOND: I was trying to get my bicycle tube fixed. I was putting patching over the patching, and it was never working. My dad came out and said, you can't patch over patching. And I just kind of thought that that was a great life lesson there, too. I mean, you can apply that to just about anything.

BENJAMIN TORRES: One thing that my dad taught me is how to run. He taught me how to breathe, how to pace myself, how to stretch. It's something I'll always hold on to and treasure, the - him giving me the gift of the sheer exhilaration of physical fitness.

LINDSEY BEAGLEY: So my dad taught me the power of listening. Ever since I was old enough to have any kind of social drama at school, I have memories of my dad listening to me go on and on about what happened. And his listening was, in retrospect, really validating. And probably that contributed a lot to my sense of self-confidence and my self-love.

KATHLEEN MULROY: My dad taught me that having a sense of humor will get you through an amazing amount of difficulty in life. His sense of humor is still a joy to me. And yes, he does make bad dad jokes. Well, I love them.

TORRES: I love you, Dad. Happy Father's Day.

BEAGLEY: I really love you, Papa. Happy Father's Day.

GARCIA-NAVARRO: That was Dana Hammond, Benjamin Torres, Lindsey Beagley and Kathleen Mulroy. And Happy Father's Day to my favorite dad - my husband, James. I lost my father when I was a very little girl, and watching him raise our little girl makes me happy every day.

