英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第176期:第十一章 复杂(5)(在线收听

 "What?" I demanded. “什么?”我诘问道。

His eyes slid back to mine, still tight. "Newton's getting on my nerves." 他的目光落回了我身上,依然紧绷着。“牛顿正让我心烦。”
"You weren't listening again?" I was horror-struck. All traces of my sudden good humor vanished. “你不是又在听了吧?”我一阵惶恐。我突如其来的好心情全部归零了。
"How's your head?" he asked innocently. “你的头怎么样了?”他天真无邪地问道。
"You're unbelievable!" I turned, stomping away in the general direction of the parking lot, though I hadn't ruled out walking at this point. “你简直让人难以置信!”我转过身,重重地踏着步子向停车场的大致方向走去,虽然此刻我还没排除走回去的可能性。
He kept up with me easily. 他轻而易举地跟上了我。
"You were the one who mentioned how I'd never seen you in Gym—it made me curious." He didn't sound repentant, so I ignored him. “是你自己一直在强调我没见过你在体育课上的样子——这让我很好奇。”他听起来毫无悔改之意,所以我无视他。
We walked in silence—a furious, embarrassed silence on my part—to his car. 我们沉默地走着——在我看来,是一种狂怒的,窘迫的沉默——向他的车走去。
But I had to stop a few steps away—a crowd of people, all boys, were surrounding it. 但我不得不停在了几英尺外——一群人,全是男生,正围着它。
Then I realized they weren't surrounding the Volvo, they were actually circled around Rosalie's red convertible, unmistakable lust in their eyes. 然后我意识到他们并不是在围着那辆沃尔沃,事实上他们在围观罗莎莉的红色敞篷车,他们的眼里明明白白地写着渴望。
None of them even looked up as Edward slid between them to open his door. 当爱德华走到他们中间打开自己的车门时,他们甚至没有一个人抬起头来。
I climbed quickly in the passenger side, also unnoticed. 我飞快地爬进乘客座,同样不受注目。
"Ostentatious," he muttered. “太浮夸了。”他喃喃自语道。
"What kind of car is that?" I asked. “这是什么车?”我问道。
"An M3." “一辆M3。”
"I don't speak Car and Driver." “我不会说《汽车与驾驶》里的专有名词。”
"It's a BMW." He rolled his eyes, not looking at me, trying to back out without running over the car enthusiasts. “那是一辆宝马。”他转了转眼睛,不去看我,努力在不碾上那群狂热的汽车爱好者的情况下把车倒出去。
I nodded—I'd heard of that one. 我点了点头——我听说过这个牌子。
"Are you still angry?" he asked as he carefully maneuvered his way out. “你还在生气吗?”当他小心地把车开出去的时候,他问道。
"Definitely." “当然。”
He sighed. "Will you forgive me if I apologize?" 他叹了口气。“如果我道歉的话,你会原谅我吗?”
"Maybe... if you mean it. And if you promise not to do it again," I insisted. “也许会……如果你是诚心诚意的话。而且你还得保证再也不这样做。”我坚持着。
His eyes were suddenly shrewd. "How about if I mean it, and I agree to let you drive Saturday?" he countered my conditions. 他的眼神忽然精明起来。“我是诚心诚意的,而且我同意让你周六开车,这个怎么样?”他驳回了我的附加条件。
I considered, and decided it was probably the best offer I would get. "Deal," I agreed. 我思考着,然后确定这也许是我能争取到的最高出价。“成交。”我同意了。