英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第184期:第十一章 复杂(13)(在线收听

 I leaned forward on the table, resting my chin on my folded arms, 我向桌子倾下身去,把下颚放在交叠的小臂上,

my hidden fingers gripping the table's edge as I fought to ignore the irrational longing that unsettled me. 我隐藏起来的手指紧紧地抓住桌子的边缘。我挣扎着不去理会那股试图让我动摇的不合情理的渴望。
I didn't look at him, afraid that if he was looking at me, it would only make self-control that much harder. 我不敢看他,生怕他也在看着我,这只会让自我控制变得更难些。
I sincerely tried to watch the movie, but at the end of the hour I had no idea what I'd just seen. 我由衷地想要看这部电影,但直到这堂课结束我还是不知道我刚刚看的是什么内容。
I sighed in relief again when Mr. Banner turned the lights on, finally glancing at Edward; 当班纳老师把灯打开的时候,我宽慰地叹了口气,终于看了一眼爱德华。
he was looking at me, his eyes ambivalent. 他正看着我,眼里写满了矛盾。
He rose in silence and then stood still, waiting for me. 他默默地站起身,一动不动地站在那里,等着我。
We walked toward the gym in silence, like yesterday. 我们沉默着向体育馆走去,和昨天完全一样。
And, also like yesterday, he touched my face wordlessly— 然后,还是和昨天一样,他无言地轻抚我的脸庞——
this time with the back of his cool hand, stroking once from my temple to my jaw—before he turned and walked away. 这次是用他冰冷的手背,从我的一侧眉毛一直抚摸到我的下颌——在他转身走开以前。
Gym passed quickly as I watched Mike's one-man badminton show. 体育课在我观看迈克的羽毛球个人秀中很快就过去了。
He didn't speak to me today, either in response to my vacant expression or because he was still angry about our squabble yesterday. 他今天没有跟我说话,也没有对我空白的表情作出任何反应,也许他还在为我们昨天的口角生着闷气。
Somewhere, in a corner of my mind, I felt bad about that. 在我心底一角的某处,我对此感觉很糟。
But I couldn't concentrate on him. 但我没法把注意力集中在他身上。
I hurried to change afterward, ill at ease, knowing the faster I moved, the sooner I would be with Edward. 之后,我不安地赶去换衣服,知道我的动作越快,我就能越早和爱德华待在一起。
The pressure made me more clumsy than usual, 这种压迫感使得我比平时还有笨手笨脚,
but eventually I made it out the door, feeling the same release when I saw him standing there, a wide smile automatically spreading across my face. 但最终我冲出门口,和上次一样宽慰地看到他站在那里,一个大大的笑容下意识地浮现在我脸上。
He smiled in reaction before launching into more cross-examination. 作为回应,他微笑起来,然后开始新一轮狂热的交互讯问。