英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第196期:第十二章 平衡(8)(在线收听

 I changed the subject. 我改变了话题。

"What time will I see you tomorrow?" I asked, already depressed by the thought of him leaving now. “我明天几点能见到你?”我问道,想到他现在就要离开几乎要让我沮丧起来了。
"That depends...it's a Saturday, don't you want to sleep in?" he offered. “那得看情况……那天是周六,你不想睡懒觉吗?”他提议道。
"No," I answered too fast. He restrained a smile. “不。”我回答得太快了。他按捺住了一个微笑。
"The same time as usual, then," he decided. "Will Charlie be there?" “那么,和往常一样的时间。”他决定道。“查理会在家吗?”
"No, he's fishing tomorrow." “不,他明天去钓鱼。”
I beamed at the memory of how conveniently things had worked out. 一想到事情居然变得如此合宜,我便微笑起来。
His voice turned sharp. "And if you don't come home, what will he think?" 他的语气忽然尖锐起来。“如果你没有回家,他会怎么想?”
"I have no idea," I answered coolly. “我不知道。”我冷淡地回答道。
"He knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer." “他知道我打算洗衣服。也许他会认为我掉进洗衣机里了。”
He scowled at me and I scowled back. 他冲我阴沉着脸,而我同样绷着脸怒视着他。
His anger was much more impressive than mine. 他的愤怒甚至比我自己的还要有感染力。
"What are you hunting tonight?" I asked when I was sure I had lost the glowering contest. “你今晚打算狩猎什么?”当我确定自己已经在怒视竞赛中败北的时候,我问道。
"Whatever we find in the park. We aren't going far." “任何我们在国家公园里能找到的猎物。我们不会走太远。”
He seemed bemused by my casual reference to his secret realities. 他有点发愣,因为我竟如此随意地提及他隐秘的事实。
"Why are you going with Alice?" I wondered. “为什么你要和爱丽丝一起去呢?”我怀疑道。
"Alice is the most... supportive." He frowned as he spoke. “爱丽丝……最能给我辅助。”他说着,皱起了眉头。
"And the others?" I asked timidly. "What are they?" “那别的人呢?”我羞怯地问道。“他们怎么样?”
His brow puckered for a brief moment. "Incredulous, for the most part." 那一瞬间,他的额头皱了起来:“不靠谱,大部分是这样。”
I peeked quickly behind me at his family. 我飞快地偷看了一眼自己身后的他的家人。
They sat staring off in different directions, exactly the same as the first time I'd seen them. 他们坐在那里,盯着不同的方向,非常像我第一次看到他们时的情形。
Only now they were four; their beautiful, bronze-haired brother sat across from me, his golden eyes troubled. 只不过现在他们是四个人,他们俊美的,红铜色头发的兄弟正和我相对而坐,他金色的眼睛里很不平静。