英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第197期:第十二章 平衡(9)(在线收听

 "They don't like me," I guessed. “他们不喜欢我。”我猜测道。

"That's not it," he disagreed, but his eyes were too innocent. “不是这样的。”他否定道,但他的眼神显得太无辜了。
"They don't understand why I can't leave you alone." “他们只是不明白为什么我不能让你一个人待着。”
I grimaced. "Neither do I, for that matter." 我扮了个鬼脸:“同样,我也不明白。”
Edward shook his head slowly, rolling his eyes toward the ceiling before he met my gaze again. 爱德华缓缓地摇了摇头,冲着天花板翻了翻白眼。然后再次注视着我。
"I told you—you don't see yourself clearly at all. “我告诉过你——你根本没有清楚地认识你自己。
You're not like anyone I've ever known. You fascinate me." 你和我遇过的任何人都不一样。你让我着迷。”
I glared at him, sure he was teasing now. 我瞪着他,确信他现在是在取笑我。
He smiled as he deciphered my expression. 在读懂了我的表情后,他笑了。
"Having the advantages I do," he murmured, touching his forehead discreetly, “我所拥有的优势,”他谨慎地抚了一下他的额头,喃喃低语道。
"I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. “让我能更好地抓住人类的本性。人心是很容易揣度的。
But you... you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise." 可你……你从不按我的期待行事。你总让我惊奇。”
I looked away, my eyes wandering back to his family, embarrassed and dissatisfied. 我看向别处,我的目光又游移到他的家人身上,既窘迫又不满。
His words made me feel like a science experiment. 他的话让我觉得这一切像是一个科学实验。
I wanted to laugh at myself for expecting anything else. 我想嘲笑自己,居然还在期待着别的可能性。
"That part is easy enough to explain," he continued. “这个部分很容易解释,”他继续说道。
I felt his eyes on my face but I couldn't look at him yet, afraid he might read the chagrin in my eyes. 我感觉到他的目光落在了我脸上,但我还是不能看着他,生怕他会看出我眼中的苦恼。
"But there's more...and it's not so easy to put into words—" “但还有更多……而且这些很难用语言来表达——”
I was still staring at the Cullens while he spoke. 他说话的时候,我依然注视着卡伦家的人。
Suddenly Rosalie, his blond and breathtaking sister, turned to look at me. 突然罗莎莉,他那个金发的迷人的姐姐,转过头来看着我。
No, not to look—to glare, with dark, cold eyes. 不,不是看——是怒视,用阴沉的,冰冷的眼神怒视着我。
I wanted to look away, but her gaze held me until Edward broke off mid-sentence and made an angry noise under his breath. 我想要看向别处,但她的凝视让我动弹不得,直到爱德华中断了说到一半的句子,发出极低的愤怒的声音。
It was almost a hiss. 那几乎是一阵嘘声。