英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第209期:第十二章 平衡(21)(在线收听

 "Time to visit the optometrist," I muttered. His smirk grew more pronounced. “该去检查视力了。”我喃喃低语道。他的坏笑更明显了。

But then, after another hundred yards, I could definitely see a lightening in the trees ahead, a glow that was yellow instead of green. 但随后,在又走了一百码以后,我确实看见了树林前头的一片光亮,一片明黄的光辉而非绿色。
I picked up the pace, my eagerness growing with every step. 我加快了脚步,每踏出一步,我的渴望就增长一分。
He let me lead now, following noiselessly. 现在他让我走在前面,无声地跟着我。
I reached the edge of the pool of light and stepped through the last fringe of ferns into the loveliest place I had ever seen. 我走到了那一片光亮的边缘,踏过最后一片蕨类植物,走进了我所见过的最可爱的地方。
The meadow was small, perfectly round, and filled with wildflowers—violet, yellow, and soft white. 这片草地很小,几乎是圆形的,开满了野花——紫的,黄的,还有柔和的白色。
Somewhere nearby, I could hear the bubbling music of a stream. 我能听见不远处,一条奔流不息的溪水欢快的歌声。
The sun was directly overhead, filling the circle with a haze of buttery sunshine. 太阳正在头顶上直直地照射下来,用一种薄雾般的奶油色的阳光填满了这一圈空地。
I walked slowly, awestruck, through the soft grass, swaying flowers, and warm, gilded air. 我慢慢地走着,惊奇不已,穿过柔软的芳草,摇曳的花朵,还有温暖的,染成了金色的空气。
I halfway turned, wanting to share this with him, but he wasn't behind me where I thought he'd be. 中途我转过身,想和他分享这一切,但他并没有在我身后,没有在我以为他在的地方。
I spun around, searching for him with sudden alarm. 我原地旋转着,寻找着他的身影,一阵突然的恐惧袭击了我。
Finally I spotted him, still under the dense shade of the canopy at the edge of the hollow, watching me with cautious eyes. 最终我找到了他,他依然站在树庐浓重的阴影下,在这片洼处的边缘,用谨慎的目光看着我。
Only then did I remember what the beauty of the meadow had driven from my mind— 这时我才想起来,这片草地的美丽完全被赶出了我的脑海——
the enigma of Edward and the sun, which he'd promised to illustrate for me today. 爱德华与阳光之谜,他曾经保证过,要在今天向我阐明的。
I took a step back toward him, my eyes alight with curiosity. 我向他走了一步,我的眼睛被好奇点亮了。
His eyes were wary, reluctant. 他的眼神很谨慎,显得很不情愿。
I smiled encouragingly and beckoned to him with my hand, taking another step back to him. 我鼓励地微笑着,向他招手示意,正要向他再走一步。
He held up a hand in warning, and I hesitated, rocking back onto my heels. 他警告地举起了一只手,我犹豫了,退回了原处。
Edward seemed to take a deep breath, and then he stepped out into the bright glow of the midday sun. 爱德华似乎深吸了一口气,然后他走出来,走到正午明亮的阳光下。