英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第210期:第十三章 自白(1)(在线收听

 13. CONFESSIONS 第十三章 自白

Edward in the sunlight was shocking. 阳光下的爱德华太惊人了,
I couldn't get used to it, though I'd been staring at him all afternoon. 我还是没能习惯这件事,尽管整个下午我都在盯着他看。
His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, 他的肌肤,雪白中带着昨天的狩猎之旅带来的淡淡红晕,简直在闪闪发光,
like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. 就好像有千万颗极小的钻石镶嵌在上面一样。
He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. 他静静地躺在草地上,看上去是那么的完美,他的衬衫敞开着,露出宛如雕刻成的,光辉夺目的胸膛,他闪闪发光的手臂袒露着。
His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. 他微微发着光的,淡紫色的眼睑紧闭着,但是,当然他不可能是在睡觉。
A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal. 他就像一座完美的雕像,是用某种未知的,光滑如大理石,灿烂如水晶的石头雕刻而成的。
Now and then, his lips would move, so fast it looked like they were trembling. 时不时地,他的嘴唇飞快地动着,仿佛是在颤抖。
But, when I asked, he told me he was singing to himself; it was too low for me to hear. 但是,当我问道的时候,他告诉他在哼着歌,因为声音太低了所以我听不见。
I enjoyed the sun, too, though the air wasn't quite dry enough for my taste. 我同样在享受着阳光,尽管就我的品位而言,这里的空气还不够干爽。
I would have liked to lie back, as he did, and let the sun warm my face. 我本可以仰躺着,就像他那样,让阳光温暖着我的脸,
But I stayed curled up, my chin resting on my knees, unwilling to take my eyes off him. 但我还是蜷伏着躺在那里,下巴紧贴着我的膝盖,不情愿让自己的目光从他身上移开。
The wind was gentle; it tangled my hair and ruffled the grass that swayed around his motionless form. 风是那么的柔和,它吹乱了我的头发,吹皱了小草,摇曳的芳草围着他静止不动的身躯。
The meadow, so spectacular to me at first, paled next to his magnificence. 这片草地起初对我来说是那么的壮丽,但和他的华美比起来,便逊色多了。