英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第235期:第十三章 自白(26)(在线收听

 "You are only human, after all." “毕竟,你只是个人类。”

"Thanks so much," I said, my voice acerbic. “非常感谢。”我说着,我的声音有些苦涩。
He was on his feet in one of his lithe, almost invisibly quick movements. 他用他那种柔软的,快得几乎看不见的动作站起来。
He held out his hand to me, an unexpected gesture. 他向我伸出手,一个出人意料的举动。
I was so used to our standard of careful non-contact. 我太习惯于我们小心翼翼地保持零接触的规定了。
I took his icy hand, needing the support more than I thought. 我抓住他冰冷的手,所需要的协助比我认为的还要多。
My balance had not yet returned. 我的平衡感还没有回来。
"Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise?" “你还在因为奔跑而眩晕吗?或者是我的接吻技术导致的?”
How lighthearted, how human he seemed as he laughed now, his seraphic face untroubled. 此刻他大笑着,是多么的让人头晕目眩,多么像人类,他天使般的面容是那么的无忧无虑。
He was a different Edward than the one I had known. 和我所熟知的爱德华相比,他是另一个,迥然不同的爱德华。
And I felt all the more besotted by him. 而我感到自己对他更着迷了。
It would cause me physical pain to be separated from him now. 如果让我现在和他分离的话,一定会带来实质上的痛苦的。
"I can't be sure, I'm still woozy," I managed to respond. "I think it's some of both, though." “我不能肯定,我还是有点糊涂。”我设法作出了回应。“不过,我想两者兼而有之。”
"Maybe you should let me drive." “也许你应该让我来开车。”
"Are you insane?" I protested. “你疯了吗?”我断言道。
"I can drive better than you on your best day," he teased. "You have much slower reflexes." “我能开得比你开得最好的那天还要好。”他揶揄道。“你的反应能力可远不及我。”
"I'm sure that's true, but I don't think my nerves, or my truck, could take it." “我相信这是事实,但我不认为我的神经,或者我的卡车,能够承受得住。”
"Some trust, please, Bella." “给我一点信任,求你了,贝拉。”
My hand was in my pocket, curled tightly around the key. 我把手伸进口袋里,紧紧地攒着钥匙。
I pursed my lips, deliberated, then shook my head with a tight grin. 我撅起嘴,然后慎重地摇了摇头,紧张地露齿微笑。
"Nope. Not a chance." “不。想都别想。”
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 他难以置信地扬起眉毛。