英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第345期:第二十二章 捉迷藏(15)(在线收听

   Alice, I breathed, astonished. “爱丽丝。”我震惊地压低声音说道。

  Yes, your little friend. I was surprised to see her in the clearing. So I guess her coven ought to be able to derive some comfort from this experience.  “是的,你的那位小朋友。当我在空地上看到她时,我很是惊讶。所以我猜她的巫会应当能从这个经历中得到一些安慰。
  I get you, but they get her. The one victim who escaped me, quite an honor, actually. 我得到了你,但他们得到了她。唯一一个从我身边逃脱的受害者,确实是个纪念品,真的。”
  And she did smell so delicious. I still regret that I never got to taste… She smelled even better than you do. Sorry  I don't mean to be offensive.  “她闻起来确实很美味。我依然感到后悔,我没来得及尝一口……她闻起来甚至比你还好。对不起我不是有意要冒犯你的。你闻起来确实不错。
  You have a very nice smell. Floral, somehow… 花香的味道,不知怎的……”
  He took another step toward me, till he was just inches away. He lifted a lock of my hair and sniffed at it delicately. Then he gently patted the strand back into place,  他向我走了一步,但仍保持着几英寸的距离。他拿起我的一缕头发,优雅地轻嗅着。然后,他温柔地把那缕头发放回原处,
  and I felt his cool fingertips against my throat. He reached up to stroke my cheek once quickly with his thumb, his face curious. I wanted so badly to run, but I was frozen.  我感觉到他冰冷的指尖触到了我的喉咙。他用一根拇指飞快地轻拍了一下我的脸颊,脸上写满了好奇。我迫切地想要逃开,但我僵住了。
  I couldn't even flinch away. 我甚至没法退缩。
  No, he murmured to himself as he dropped his hand, I don't understand. He sighed. Well, I suppose we should get on with it.  “不,”他放下手,低声地自言自语道。“我不明白。”他叹了口气。“好吧,我猜我们还是把剩下的事情做完吧。
  And then I can call your friends and tell them where to find you, and my little message. 然后我就能打电话给你的朋友们,告诉他们在哪里能找到你,还有我小小的留言。”
  I was definitely sick now. There was pain coming, I could see it in his eyes. It wouldn't be enough for him to win, to feed and go.  现在我真的恶心起来了。我的痛苦源于我在他眼中所看到的一切。对他来说,仅仅是赢得游戏,吃饱喝足然后离开是远远不够的。
  There would be no quick end like I'd been counting on. My knees began to shake, and I was afraid I was going to fall. 事情不会像我指望的那样迅速地结束。我的膝盖开始颤抖,我害怕自己就要倒下去了。