
   He too has been watching all of these interpreters myself included— and look now, he comes to read, with that unearthly idiot face. 他也在看着所有这些解释天书的人——包括我在内——唔,瞧着,他在念起来了,那张天下无比的蠢脸。

  Stand away again and hear him. Hark! 那么,再站开些,听听他吧。听着!
  I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look. 我瞧,你瞧,他瞧;我们瞧,你们瞧,他们瞧。
  Upon my soul, he's been studying Murray's Grammar! Improving his mind, poor fellow! But what's that he says now—hist! 我保准,他一直在研究默里(美国语法家)的《语法》呢!可怜的家伙,他正在增进他的知识——但是,他这会儿在说些什么呀——嘘!
  I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look. 我瞧,你瞧,他瞧;我们瞧,你们瞧,他们瞧。
  Why, he's getting it by heart—hist! again. 唔,他在死背呢——嘘!又在念啦。
  I look, you look, he looks; we look, ye look, they look. Well, that's funny. 我瞧,你瞧,他瞧;我们瞧,你们瞧,他们瞧。噫,这倒是怪。
  And I, you, and he; and we, ye, and they, are all bats; and I'm a crow, especially when I stand a'top of this pine tree here. 我,你,他;我们,你们,他们,大家都是蝙蝠;我是只乌鸦,尤其是当我高高地蹲到这棵松树冠上时。
  Caw! caw! caw! caw! caw! caw! Ain't I a crow? And where's the scare-crow? 哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!难道我不是乌鸦么?可稻草人在哪儿?
  There he stands; two bones stuck into a pair of old trowsers, and two more poked into the sleeves of an old jacket. 啊,原来他就在那儿;两根骨头插在两只破裤脚管里,还有两根装在两只破袖筒里。
  Wonder if he means me?—complimentary—poor lad!—I could go hang myself. 不知道他是不是指我说的?——真会说话!——可怜的伙伴!——我倒要去上吊了。