美国小学英语教材4:第47课 城市里安全第一(6)(在线收听

   "Well, George," said Arthur,"a good many people do get run over. “噢,乔治,”亚瑟说,“确实有很多人被撞倒。

  Almost every day the papers tell of accidents. 报纸上几乎每天都有关于车祸的报道。
  It isn't easy to take care of yourself. 照顾好自己并不容易。
  And of course the smaller children don't know the danger. 小一点儿的孩子根本不知道危险。
  We older ones ought to watch out for them. 我们这些大孩子应该小心照顾他们。
  Just look there, see that girl warning two little children not to cross behind the car! 看那边,那个女孩正在告诫两个小孩不要从车后面过马路。
  She stopped them just in time." 她及时制止了他们。”
  "So this is what you call street traffic?" said George. “所以这就是你所说的街道交通吗?”乔治说。
  "Well, I don't wonder that mother told me to be very careful. “嗯,怪不得妈妈告诉我要特别小心。
  That's just what my mother told me when I visited you last summer in the country," laughed Arthur. 那正是去年夏天,我去乡下看望你的时候,我的妈妈告诉我的,”亚瑟笑道,
  "Let's walk along a little and look around." “我们再往前走走,四处看看。”
  The boys walked slowly to the middle of the block, where they stopped to watch a crowd on the sidewalk. 男孩们向着街区中间慢慢走去,他们在那里停下来,看见人行道上围了一群人。
  "Hello! what's up?" cried Arthur. “喂,发生什么事了?”亚瑟喊道。
  A tall policeman darted from the crowd and ran out into the street, where there was a tangle of wagons and cars. 一位高大的警察从人群中冲了出来,跑到货车和小汽车乱成一团的马路上。
  A man who had tried to walk across the street in the middle of the block had been knocked down by a wagon. 一位想从马路中间穿过的人被一辆货车撞倒了。
  "He should have known better," said Arthur. “他应该很明白的,”亚瑟说,
  "Always cross the street at the corner, and you'll stand a much better chance of getting through safely." “一定要从拐角处过马路,你要等待一个安全通过的好一点儿的时机。”
  George was very tired when he got home from the first day's sight-seeing, 当乔治结束第一天的观光回到家时感到很累,
  but he had learned a great deal about taking care of himself in the city. 但是他学到了很多关于如何在城市中照顾自己的知识。
  Before the end of his visit, 在游玩结束之前,
  George Benton had seen so many narrow escapes from injury in the city streets that he had become very careful. 乔治·本顿见到了很多城市马路上的死里逃生,他变得非常小心,
  But his carefulness did not make his visit any less interesting to him. 但是小心并没有减少他此行的乐趣。
  And when he went back to his home in the country, he had many things to tell about the city. 乔治回到乡下的家中时,有很多关于城市的事情要讲。
  The thing he liked best to talk about was the busy traffic and how he had learned to take care of himself 他最喜欢讲的是繁忙的交通,以及他如何学会照顾自己,
  even when the streets were full of cars, automobiles, trucks, and wagons. 即使马路上到处都是汽车、卡车和货车。