英语听书《海底两万里》第217期 第16章 在海底平原散步(8)(在线收听

   All these wonders I glimpsed in the space of a quarter of a mile, barely pausing, following Captain Nemo whose gestures kept beckoning me onward.  约在四分之一海里的空间内,我没有停步,几乎不断地看到这些珍品。尼摩船长向我招手,我跟着他走。

  Soon the nature of the seafloor changed.  不久,脚下的土壤变了性质。
  The plains of sand were followed by a bed of that viscous slime Americans call ooze,which is composed exclusively of seashells rich in limestone or silica. 接连细沙平原的是一片胶粘的泥地,单独由硅土或石灰贝壳构成,美国人管它叫“乌兹”。
  Then we crossed a prairie of algae, open-sea plants that the waters hadn't yet torn loose, whose vegetation grew in wild profusion.  接昔我们跑过一段海藻地,它们是未经海水冲走的海产植物,繁殖力很强。
  Soft to the foot, these densely textured lawns would have rivaled the most luxuriant carpets woven by the hand of man.  这种纤维紧密的草坪,踩在脚下软绵绵的,刁”以和人工织出的最柔软的地毯媲美。
  But while this greenery was sprawling under our steps, it didn't neglect us overhead.  但是,不只我们脚下是绿草如茵,连我们头上也是一片翠绿。
  The surface of the water was crisscrossed by a floating arbor of marine plants belonging to that superabundant algae family that numbers more than 2,000 known species. 水面上轻飘飘地浮着一层海产植物,全部是取之不尽的海藻类,这类植物,我们已经知道的,至少有二千多种。
  I saw long ribbons of fucus drifting above me, some globular, others tubular:  我看见水中浮着很长的海带(有些作球形,有些作管状)、红花藻、
  Laurencia, Cladostephus with the slenderest foliage, Rhodymenia palmata resembling the fan shapes of cactus. 叶子很纤细的薛苔、很像仙人掌的蔷薇藻。
  I observed that green-colored plants kept closer to the surface of the sea, while reds occupied a medium depth,  我注意到较近海面的一层是青绿色的海草,在更深一些的地方是红色的海草,
  which left blacks and browns in charge of designing gardens and flowerbeds in the ocean's lower strata. 黑色或赭色。的水草就在最深处,形成海底花园和草地。