英语听书《海底两万里》第324期 第23章 珊瑚王国(21)(在线收听

   NIGHT FELL. I went to bed. I slept pretty poorly. Man-eaters played a major role in my dreams.  黑夜来临,我睡了,睡得很不好。鲛鱼在我梦中起了重大的作用,

  And I found it more or less appropriate that the French word for shark, requin, has its linguistic roots in the word requiem. 我觉得把超度作为鲨鱼一词的语源,说它对也行,说它不对也行。
  The next day at four o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by the steward whom Captain Nemo had placed expressly at my service. 第二天早晨四点,尼摩船长特别吩咐前来伺候我的管事人把我叫醒。
  I got up quickly, dressed, and went into the lounge. 我立即起床,穿了衣服,到客厅去。
  Captain Nemo was waiting for me. 尼摩船长在厅中等着我。
  Professor Aronnax, he said to me, are you ready to start? 阿龙纳斯先生,他说,您准备好了吗?
  I'm ready. 准备好了。
  Kindly follow me. 请跟我来。
  What about my companions, captain? 船长,我的同伴们呢?
  They've been alerted and are waiting for us. 他们已经得到通知,等着我们了。
  Aren't we going to put on our diving suits? I asked. 我问:我们不穿潜水衣吗?
  Not yet. I haven't let the Nautilus pull too near the coast, and we're fairly well out from the Mannar oysterbank.  不用穿了。我不让诺第留斯号很接近海岸,我们是在马纳尔礁石岩脉的远处海上。
  But I have the skiff ready, and it will take us to the exact spot where we'll disembark, which will save us a pretty long trek.  不过我准备好了那只小艇,它可以载我们到下水的地点,让我们免走一段相当长的路程。
  It's carrying our diving equipment, and we'll suit up just before we begin our underwater exploring. 艇中放了我们的潜水服装,到我们要作水底探访的时候,就穿戴起来。