英语听书《海底两万里》第406期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(32)(在线收听

 Half an hour after the Canadian's latest exploits, we were back on the inner beach.  加拿大人打到了鸟半小时后,我们回到内层堤岸来了。

There the local flora was represented by a wide carpet of samphire, a small umbelliferous plant that keeps quite nicely, which also boasts the names glasswort, saxifrage, and sea fennel.  在这岸上的花草,有那种海鸡冠草形成的大块地毯,这草是泡来很好吃的伞形花小草,又名为钻石草、穿石草和海苗香。康塞尔采了好几柬。
Conseil picked a couple bunches. As for the local fauna, it included thousands of crustaceans of every type: lobsters, hermit crabs, prawns, mysid shrimps, daddy longlegs, rock crabs, and a prodigious number of seashells, such as cowries, murex snails, and limpets. 至于动物,那就是各种各样的甲壳类、龙虾、大盘蟹、长手蟹、苗虾、长脚虾、加拉蟹,以及数不清的大量蚌蛤、磁贝、岩贝、编笠贝。
In this locality there gaped the mouth of a magnificent cave. My companions and I took great pleasure in stretching out on its fine-grained sand.  在这个地方,现出一所高大的岩洞。我跟我的同伴们很高兴地在洞中细沙上躺下来。
Fire had polished the sparkling enamel of its inner walls, sprinkled all over with mica-rich dust.  火力把珐琅质的和发光泽为洞壁摩亮了,洞壁上满是云母石的粉屑。
Ned Land tapped these walls and tried to probe their thickness. I couldn't help smiling.  尼德·兰用手怕打高墙,探侧墙有多厚。我不禁要笑起来。
Our conversation then turned to his everlasting escape plans, and without going too far, I felt I could offer him this hope:  谈话于是集中在他那永久不能忘怀的逃走计划上面,我想我不至于太冒进,可以给他这个希望,
Captain Nemo had gone down south only to replenish his sodium supplies. So I hoped he would now hug the coasts of Europe and America, which would allow the Canadian to try again with a greater chance of success. 就是尼摩船长往南来,仅仅是为补充钠的储藏量。所以,我希望他现在又要回到欧洲和美洲海岸去,这或者可以让加拿大人把他没有完成的逃走计划,更有可能成功的执行起来。
We were stretched out in this delightful cave for an hour. Our conversation, lively at the outset, then languished.  我们躺在这可爱的洞中有一个钟头了。谈话开始时很生动,以后兴致渐渐减退。