留美老师带你每日说英文 第946期:海洋中废弃塑料的出处(在线收听

 Reportedly, 80 percent of ocean plastic is coming from those countries that have extreme poverty. And if you live in the grips of poverty concerned, always, about food or shelter or a sense of security, recycling—it's beyond your realm of imagination.

1.poverty 贫穷
poverty (n.) 贫穷
impoverished (adj.) 穷困的
needy (adj.) 贫穷的
2.to be in the grip(s) of 在...之中
to be in the grip(s) of (phr.) 在...之中
get a grip (on oneself) (phr.) 控制住(自己的)情绪
grip (n.) 紧握
3.shelter 避风遮雨的地方
shelter (n.) 避风遮雨的地方
sheltered (adj.) 掩蔽的;被保护的
4.security 安全感;保安
security (adj.) 安全感;保安
safety (adj.) 安全
5.realm 领域
realm (n.) 领域
scope (n.) 范围