生活英语听力文章 第175期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(15)(在线收听

 62.Organize your websites. 整理你的而网站。

Make "unsorted bookmarks" a thing of the past. 不要再让它们分散在"未分类书签"肿了。
Use a free bookmarking service (delicious.com for example) to store, organize, and tag all your bookmarked sites and access them from any computer. 使用免费的书签功能(比如delicious.com )整理、存储你所有的书签页,这样在你使用所有的电脑是都可以使用这些书签。
63.Use a portable digital assistant often known as a PDA. 使用个人数字助理。
An electronic PDA can save you loads of time when you learn how to use its features. 当你知道了它的特色功能之后,个人数字助理能够帮你节省很多时间。
It has the advantages of convenience, connectivity, and capability that expand with user knowledge. 它强大的便捷性、连接性能和功能都等待着使用者的挖掘。
64.Map it. 使用地图。
Take advantage of free Internet mapping services or a GPS device in your vehicle to help you find the shortest route to where you're going and avoid delays. 利用好免费的网络地图服务和车内定位系统帮你找到去往目的地的最佳途径,而不至延误。
Many of these programs help you locate businesses you may need to visit on the same route to save you time. 很多软件能够帮你找到你可以顺路去的商家,大大帮你节省时间。
65.Use templates. 使用模板。
Reduce formatting time with user-friendly templates. 使用模板可以帮你省去排版时间。
Find them online or create your own for your most commonly used documents. 你可以在网上搜到或者自制常使用的文件模板。