生活英语听力文章 第185期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(25)(在线收听

 115.Exercise regularly. 定期锻炼。

Exercising is not only healthy, but it gives you more energy and improves your ability to focus so you can tackle your tasks more effectively. 锻炼不仅有益健康,而且为你补充能量,提高你的注意力,这样你做工作才能更有效率。
116.Coordinate family schedules. 协调家庭成员的活动日程。
Busy families take time. By coordinating schedules, you can find ways to reduce travel time and opportunities to combine tasks. 成员忙碌的家庭通常可以挤出很多时间。通过协调日程安排,合并活动任务,你可以节省出行时间
117.Assign meal nights. 分配做饭任务
If you have children, assign nights when they are in charge of making dinner. 如果你有孩子,给他们分配一些晚上做饭的任务。
This helps them learn how to cook and prepare for their future, and it frees you from having to prepare every meal. 这样可以让他们学会做饭,而且也为他们的将来做好了准备,同时你也不用承担所有的做饭任务。
118.Assign laundry days. 分配洗衣日。
If you have children, teach them how to do their own laundry, and then assign days when each person has access to the washer and dryer. 如果你有孩子,教会他们洗自己的衣服,然后给每个人分别安排好使用洗衣机和烘干机的日子。
119.Prepare the night before. 头一天晚上做好准备。
Get everything ready for the next day-make your lunch, iron your clothes, and set out the things you want to take with you the next day. 为第二天做准备,包括午餐、熨衣服、准备出你第二天需要带的东西。
This improves your productivity both in the evening and morning. 这样可以提高你早上和晚上的办事效率。
120.Assign household chores. 家务活没有理由全部由你和你的配偶承担。
There is no reason why you and your spouse should do everything in the household.Look at the chores that need to be done each week and assign some of them to your children. 确定每周你需要做的所有家务,然后将其中一些分配给孩子。
Even if you need to increase their allowance, having them do the chores saves you time. 虽然这可能意味着你需要多给孩子零用钱,但是这节省了你的时间。
121.Limit television time by using a DVR. 使用电视录像机限制看电视的时间。
Watching television can be enjoyable and even help relieve stress, but don't overdo it. 看电视很舒服,而且可以缓解压力,但是不要过量。
The average American watches television more than five hours a day. 美国人平均每天看超过五个小时的电视。
Set a goal that limits how much time you will spend watching television each week. 设立一个目标,规定你每周看多长时间的电视。
Because about 1/3 of any TV program is commercials, consider getting a DVR or other device that allows you to fast forward through all the commercials. 由于所有电视节目三分之一的时间是在播广告,你可以考虑使用录像机或者其他可以让你快进的设备跳过广告。
With a DVR you can also record your favorite programs and watch them during the time you designate. 有了录像机你还可以把你最喜欢的节目录下来,然后在规定的时间内观看。