绿野仙踪 第88期:找寻恶女巫(9)(在线收听

 "We dare not harm this little girl," he said to them, "for she is protected by the Power of Good, and that is greater than the Power of Evil.  “我们不敢冒犯这个小女孩子,”它的同伙说,“因为她是被东方善女巫保护着的,善女巫远比那恶女巫伟大得多。

All we can do is to carry her to the castle of the Wicked Witch and leave her there." 我们只能带她到恶女巫的城堡里去,把她留在那里。”
So, carefully and gently, they lifted Dorothy in their arms and carried her swiftly through the air until they came to the castle,  所以,他们小心翼翼地,很礼貌地,在臂上抬举起了多萝茜,并且轻快地带着她穿过天空,一直飞到城堡,
where they set her down upon the front doorstep.  轻轻地把她放在前面的阶石上。
Then the leader said to the Witch: "We have obeyed you as far as we were able.  只听见飞猴头头对女巫说:“我们已经尽力做了,我们所能做的。
The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow are destroyed, and the Lion is tied up in your yard.  那铁皮人和稻草人都被杀死了,狮子已经缚住在你的院子里了。
The little girl we dare not harm, nor the dog she carries in her arms.  只有这个小女孩子,我们不能伤害她,也不敢伤害抱在她臂弯里的狗。
Your power over our band is now ended, and you will never see us again." 你有命令我做一切事的权力,现在是完结了,你将永远见不到我们了。”
Then all the Winged Monkeys, with much laughing and chattering and noise, flew into the air and were soon out of sight. 于是所有的猴子们,伴随着一阵可怕的笑声、喋喋声、喧噪声,飞上天空,马上就无影无踪了。